I am a Brick
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I thought Kakashi got it by copying Naruto 🤔
I want to give this a 5 star, I really do. its a Futa Smut-fic with ALOT of smut. The story behind the sex adds to the characters and gets you invested in the relationships too. Then why not 5 stars? Rant time: The first lover the main character gets is a complete doushebag throughout the novel. Despite being a futa, Rhefia is written as if she was a man, which isn't what really bothers me about her. however it is wierd having the first futa brought into the story never getting her vagina or asshole mentioned as far as I can tell 400 chapters in. What I dont like about her is that she is a hypocrite who is unapologetic and always gets her way without suffering any consequences. The story seems to be built around sucking her off as it places her on a pedestal above everyone else. Every relationship in the story has her being superior in every way to everyone around her. The main character is supposed to be Astra who we follow the perspective of, however it's written more like Rhefia is the main character and we are just viewing it from Astra's perspective. There are numerous times things come up that seem like they might knock her down a peg, or humble her. however they often get ignored, or she overpowers them. The second Lover is introduced as a sl@ve because she r@ped Astra...when Rhefia also r@ped her during their own first time together. The story involves alot of swapping and is a huge open relationship orgy, yet while Astra doesn't stray outside of the boundaries without asking, she does several times by acting first and asking after, and its excused as "Astra broke it first" when Astra asked to extend their boundaries. We even get another lover who is supposed to be on the same level, another alpha in the loving family(despite soon after making sure to remind us that Rhefia is clearly stronger). Only to later have Rhefia ducking this new futa herself as the clearly dominant of the two. I dont mind having the other 'alpha' getting F'd, its a Futa shut book, it's more wierd to have some futa in the harem not get F'd(cough Rhefia cough). However the way it was done was simply emasculated Sari as much as possible and raising Rhefia further up on her pedestal this novel keeps her on. Every person in Astra's Harem is just a c@mdumpster for Rhefia to vent her lust on. Making the story feel more and more like NTR as im reading it, which honestly makes me sick trying to read more(I know right, I read past all thr other Taboo and got sick at NTR? guess I'm selectively wierd) Even Rhefia's backstory is painted as her being wronged one-sidedly, when its literally her fucking around and being burned by an ex-lover she did not want to commit to. Either this story should have followed Rhefia's perspective, have her literally be the main character who finds a random human in the woods. Or the Sari character, or whoever was supposed to be the other dominant futa in the family should have maintained some of her dominance while taking. How it was done had her become a submissive mess unable to do anything when Rhefia fingered her. Letting her still be in control when taking, or just only taking from others in the family to not so obviously push Rhefia's superiority over the only person not strictly under her in the hierarchy. I was enjoying this novel. I'm at chapter 400 right now, but I had to right this rant/review. I just started feeling sick trying to keep reading through something that now felt like an NTR hentai. So I had to rant about how I can't keep reading it.
its like armour in real life, it might not get punctured, but you'll still feel the hit and probably have a bruise under the armour. The cultivators protect their bodies from breaking, but the impact shock still goes through them and shakes up their organs
for someone who's trying to lie low, he made a huge scene out of nothing. it all started due to him cursing about the price of a very base level healing treatment. something that most people would be used to(albeit maybe complaining silently about it)
progeny means offspring. so he was probably sold as an egg, or shortly after being born.
do all 11 year olds think like this?
but if it was for that, standing out that much seems counterintuitive since more people higher up will pay close attention too him while he wants to disappear occasionally to the Wizarding world
I find it a little odd that he keeps showing signs of 'young master syndrome' despite thinking of not making any enemies. someone who doesn't want to make enemies doesn't go around thinking they'll get revenge everything they get emplbarrased. and I'm finding myself cringing everything he does so
you keep calling the mom he and him, which is confusing. especially when both the mom and dad have VERY similar names.
wasn't he still slightly off center with a single arrow? what do you mean he's perfect woth three at once now?