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A couple of chapters ago.He had underwear enchanted with protections, but he doesn't have protection for magical potions in food. This is stupid.
Yes, they take more than half a century to attack a small island off its shoreline. While the US wars in other countries on the other side of the world using completely different language bases.
And they keep medical supplies
The best ones will be the state boys. state police cruisers usually carry rifles in the trunks. And a lot of them also have body armor there as well. Plate armor not the soft armor they usually wear. This means you can stop rifle rounds.
Between 7 October 2001 and 30 August 2021, the United States lost a total of 2,459 military personnel in Afghanistan. Of this figure, 1,922 had been killed in action. An additional 20,769 were wounded in action. For Afghans, the statistics are nearly unimaginable: 70,000 Afghan military and police deaths, 46,319 Afghan civilians (although that is likely a significant underestimation) and some 53,000 opposition fighters killed. Almost 67,000 other people were killed in Pakistan
Yeah, let's put a suspect in maximum security prison guarded by soul sucking demons instead of a holding cell for trial. While these attacks are happening to muggle born children, let's remove one of the most powerful white wizards in history because that will protect the children better. This is the part of the Harry Potter series that I hate the most. This simply makes no sense.
Yeah , china has more pyramids than the entire world combined, apparently. And they have absolutely no intentions of doing any archaeological digs at any of them. leaving thousands of years of history unknown because they don't feel like it. Real "mysterious" . Sense they live in a communist dictatorship that won't changing until he's dead or Needs something to boost their image to the world masses, after they attack an island off its coast that it's been gearing up for the last 50 years. But they may wait an entire century for that. Real "superpower" that country.
if he really fixed his wand, then when(if) Lockhart gets it at the entrance to the chamber of secrets. he can f*** up their minds. fun.
21.5 x the normal human intelligence, too bad she never seems to use it. Average IQ is about 90, hers should be ~1935. The highest ever recorded IQ is 276.
cool, so he just made a massive tsunami. if an earth quake can make one, blowing apart a sea definitely can