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  • Jve

    Its funny how we can all predict something bad is about to happen because eve simply ended with a nice chapter 🤣

    Ch 2093 2093. Peace
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve

    I just thought of something Although elements are useless right now for divine beings But noah was technically the only darkness cultivaor almost the whole story (that is alive) The ones in lower world Dont even count because they made us aware of them being there but no real interaction Cause think about it What if there was a person with darkness element that althoUgh not as talEnted as noah buT more Of a hard worker it would be interesting And maybe he the law of devouring oR some🤔

    Ch 2027 2027. Thief
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve

    Yo Is elbas trynna copy noah black hole when you think about it 🤔 Because it looks like that core can almost do what the black hole does for noah

    Ch 1916 1916. Wrong
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve

    Btw SInce rank 9 can create thier own energy and become like a self sustaining system Doesnt that mean they are technically immortal and the issues with potential cant affect them anymore ? Because they can always survive alone and they just have to look for external sources to boost thier internal output of energy to thier world am guessing So Btw do you guys think Rank 9 is more Of increasing the size and quality of your world 🤔 What yall think Till it reaches size big enough then maybe tenth rank you make an entire universe with multiple worlds.

    Ch 1814 1814. Goals
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to TheGreatPap

    They Cant even know its rank 8 mental waves It Should just feel like a calamity The same thing noah felt when the snakes were attacking but more vivid to the stRong ones 🤣

    Noah gained a clearer understanding of that area after King Elbas' explanation. The whiteness acted as a protective layer, but its power barely reached the divine ranks. Heaven and Earth had no reason to invest more energy in those zones since they only featured human and heroic existences.
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve

    How is june able to fight aGainst the winds in The outer land Honestly Isnt she only a rank 8 gaseous

    Ch 1739 1739. Connection
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to TheGreatPap

    Glad you see the same thing as me 😂

    Ch 1746 1746. Doubts
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to cody_dedmon90

    Now that was as a law And although he did influence people with his ambition from the begining The prerequisite for this was for them To be in contact Cause elthouh noahs law is Is just literally OP(in a Good way cause manS law is just broken) it still didnt become a world which is when it will then start to ignor common sense as shown to us By other rank 9(not all But it cant be only ST or GB. Now in that sItuation i womt even bE surprised if he can revive himSelf By using the ambition shown literally By every cultivatias aLthough not as a law by NoaH So maybe when hE gets killed he will be using that to revive but anyways thats just me guessing things. Why i feel like its Not about the ambition now Is the fact the even though he stayed with them somtimes He never really went adventures with them and more so he accepted his influence on other i think when he became rank 7 So tell me how his ambition affected their growth 🤔

    Ch 1746 1746. Doubts
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to Aceion

    Yeah i get you Idk itS been bugging me for the longest time 😂😂

    Ch 1746 1746. Doubts
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to Jve

    Once again Not really hate am just highlighting a fact Same way with junes relevance to Our boy noahs existence at this point

    Ch 1746 1746. Doubts
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve

    THis is besides whats going on currently in the story but its something i alwayS wanted to talk about I feel like the demons dont really deserve thier power if we being honest More specifically flying demon Dont get me wrong , i like both characters its just that if we really follow the logic of the story they shouldve ended in the 6th rank or 7th aTmost Cause flying demon was literally unable to cultivate for almost a 1000 years while he was only a rank 5 liquid yeah. And there is the potential thing that eve always reminds us about n it was a major factor in why rufus our guy couldnt even pass gasseous state of rank 6 . But now they all Rank 8 and from how the Story is going they night remain at peak of rank 8 Or the most obvious they all miraculously make it to rank 9.

    Ch 1746 1746. Doubts
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to 039of_the254

    Bro I understand your need for making the story fair and all that But its noah man You should guess by Now that no being on his same level Can make him lose They always have To be stronger And even if you say Elbas Still most of his recent progress,not saying all but most is mostly due to noahs law So long story short he will always be a broken character (as in OP)

    Ch 1662 1662. Abilities
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to Eveofchaos

    Wait So did you post some chapters yesterday ?? Because it only updated today and showed 3 which am guessing is for yesterday

    Ch 1650 1650. Overwhelming
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve

    NoAh really lived up to the name rufus gave him “May the immortal lands shake when they hear your name “ 🔥🔥

    Ch 1581 1581. Sly
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to Murphey_Bowers

    Rufus law wasnt really flawed It was actually cause he lost his drive and part of his potential By using Someone else cultivation techniques But remember unlike the Other two demons He didnt slack at all and kept on cultivating for the thousand year they spent Sleeping or dying And i had asked that question sometime back and eve told me it has to do with tHier years spent cultivating So now think of it If at rank 5 lets say you have a lifespan of 5 thousand Years or more Do tou think losinf 1 thousand isnt a lot ?? Especially that he didnt even practice in it Shouldnt that atleast affect him in a way or tWo if we being honest ? But he still made it to the diVine ranks and passed the average And am sure based on how the story is Going He will most likey stop at the 8th rank like most of noahs companion 🤷🏾‍♂️

    Ch 1560 1560. Reunion
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve

    Btw eve I wanted to ask you something Am not being a hater or anything but why was flying Demon aBle to maKe it To the divine ranks amd even his wife coulD be asked the same Because remember he wasted an entire milenia not cultivating at all Amd He was only a rank 5 Existence And of liquiD stage only So how come his potential doesnt seem affected in anyway and he is able to Keep up with all the companiOns ,while our boy rufus couldnt Even advance past the gasseous stage pf the 6th rank ??? IsNt that plot armor ?? And noe he is raNk seven liquid ? And let me also Guess Sine Noah is around influencing hHim He will modt likely bReathou during the plsvrMH

    Ch 1560 1560. Reunion
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to 039of_the254

    I think noAh is just gonna (steal) his law of time if my guess is correct and send Him back to the lOwer plaNe as a gardener or some (not sure about sending him back honestly cause he might as well decide to kill him if he becomes too useless )

    Ch 1554 1554. Path
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to Mourn_Shard

    And i Dont think if he is to have a chold they would have any other element apart from darkness Because at this point noahs very core is created from darkness so if He is to get an offspring It is most likely that they will have the darkness element when they are born

    Ch 1551 1551. Escape
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to Mourn_Shard

    And thats why i said he needs a bloodline transformation So that when his child is born he will carry that Unique transformation that only him/her and thier father have Cause This man done added so many things to his body that he created the best bloodline there is in the world . (I feel like why i want this to happen is because of asura transformation with ling thats all )

    Ch 1551 1551. Escape
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • Jve
    Replied to 039of_the254

    You see the thing with his dark matter and dark world They acT like an armor ontop of his real body although it does enhance his features in general But what i meant was a transformation that happens to the actual boDy tissues and requires maybe only the Enrgy found in his body to sctivate it You get ?

    Ch 1551 1551. Escape
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos