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2020-04-17 JoinedGermany

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  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to Daoist787609

    its explained right here. If you are in the process of being turned into an undead the rune stays

    Every person that disappeared in the wilds was assumed dead or in the process of being turned into an undead since it wouldn't make their communication rune vanish. Both the Kingdom and the undead Courts were recruiting the best elements they could find to fight the ongoing war.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to Almost_April

    dimensional magic is just a hyper specialised form of gravity magic dumbed down so everyone can use it without learning gravity magic first.

    The Chaos energy was so violent that it consumed its own caster, destroying more than half of Veeza's body in its wake. Collapse and Howling Void were a deadly combo impossible to perform for anyone who wasn't a Lich or an Abomination.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to DemonLord_OTRT

    there nothing inherently evil about undead in this context. humans see them as evil because they feed on humans but the same can be said about all other beings considering all life needs to eat.

    "If you talked with any of the undead, they would tell you that they are innocent as well and that they just want to find a new place for themselves. Both of you are right, both of you have the right to live, yet someone has to die." Leegaain said.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to Texteel

    I actually agree with the Kingdom. they don't really need lith. we have seen multiple times that a group of spellbreackers is enough for liths accomplishments and considering how loyal they are its way easier to work with them. the only exception being kulah and the other cursed city. one being ignored to serve as an example while the other was watched over by the guardians. even as an medical mage they have multiple others that are comparable. considering how lithium acts it is quite clear that he doesn't want to connect himself to the kingdom so giving him classified information is just asking him to keep himself at a distance.

    "Even right now, you're like a wolf that circles around a village and refuses to be domesticated. The Griffon Kingdom or any other of the three great countries cannot set a wolf to guard the henhouse, it's too dangerous.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PandorasPlayer


    "Ich weiß es nicht. Weißt du noch, wie viel Brot du in deinem Leben gegessen hast? Nun, ich weiß es auch nicht." Um die Wirkung ihrer Worte zu verstärken, hob sie ihr Glas über den Kopf und kippte es langsam.
    Oberster Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PandorasPlayer

    Ainz Ooal Gown?

    "Jetzt ist das Einzige, was meine ständig blutende Tochter am Leben erhält, die ständige Einnahme von Tränken und die Hilfe meines persönlichen Magiers Ainz.
    Oberster Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PandorasPlayer

    this is basically kamui from naruto.

    It was impossible to interact with things inside of the void, and it was impossible for things inside the void to interact with those outside of it. That was simply how it worked. Brody claimed that player to be incredibly annoying because of the way that he fought, by shifting his sword's blade into the void while slashing into people so that he could make it re-appear while the blade was inside of them, so that he could attack someone's vitals directly. He could attack through any sort of defense, simply because he didn't have to deal with it.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer

    the imp is here

    Just for the heck of it, since he wasn't fully sure for an idea, and Gran was the one that knew Buldor the best, the old man figured that he should just ask the Warrior about what he was thinking, "Gran." The old man started, and he looked at Eisen excitedly, quickly nodding his head as his stares practically drilled holes in Eiro's body.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to MassiveMayhem97

    mana cost wold be the limiting factor.

    And the wood-giant would be sitting in the middle of it. Of course, it would be risky, but as long as it was laying down as much as possible, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Especially due to the stabilizing enchantments placed onto the ship's body.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer

    The ONE PIECE is real

    As Eisen hadn't turned every part of the Golem Core, which Eisen had specially mixed with the Soul Stone Crystal beforehand already to properly contain the soul, into thread, he placed the rest of that Golem Core safely into the center of the Metal Skeleton and connected different parts of the hollow thread throughout the 'Body', hardening it in different places to make sure it would keep its shape, and then connected the ends of that thread to the Golem Core using transmutation, to make sure that it would end up as 'One piece'.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to Shiro_Fuun

    The npc's probably can't make them since they would need a high understanding of both mechanics and enchanting or at least material stability and enchanting if the guns are non mechanical and the originals seem to have a appreciation for the genre so they wouldn't think of it.

    As for the bow, it was obviously just enchanted with wind magic that would help the velocity and range of the arrows that were shot. The gems were enchanted with Archery for the most part, while the large central one was enchanted to cover the bow in wind magic. And then Eisen placed another 'Granting' enchantment around the place where the Arrow would shoot through, which would cover the arrow in either wind or water magic, depending on what Ranger wanted at the moment.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to PandorasPlayer

    no wait its Iceland in englisch

    "Ah, the Underdark is a giant cave the size of a continent, quite literally so. It's underneath the continent western to this one and spans almost every meter of it. Not only is the Flora unique to any other place, but it has incredibly unique monsters there, and it has different weather as well. There's a volcanic region with flowing magma hundreds of times hotter than regular magma directly next to an area made up of frozen glaciers that don't melt no matter what heat they are exposed. It is the harshest area on this planet, and the one civilization that used to live there is now extinct, with the only residue of them being the ruins, some of the monsters, as well as creatures like the Halti." Kiron explained before he ran his fingers over his scaled neck. "Although because the environment itself is so harsh, there are creatures there that are even stronger than ancient dragons, believe it or not."
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer

    nah thats Island with caves

    "Ah, the Underdark is a giant cave the size of a continent, quite literally so. It's underneath the continent western to this one and spans almost every meter of it. Not only is the Flora unique to any other place, but it has incredibly unique monsters there, and it has different weather as well. There's a volcanic region with flowing magma hundreds of times hotter than regular magma directly next to an area made up of frozen glaciers that don't melt no matter what heat they are exposed. It is the harshest area on this planet, and the one civilization that used to live there is now extinct, with the only residue of them being the ruins, some of the monsters, as well as creatures like the Halti." Kiron explained before he ran his fingers over his scaled neck. "Although because the environment itself is so harsh, there are creatures there that are even stronger than ancient dragons, believe it or not."
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer

    I just realised eisen is a bigger version of the old man from Dr Stone

    And after heating the pipe that he would use to blow the glass with, he stuck the end of the pipe into the molten glass and twisted the pipe around a little bit to get some of it onto it, before then moving over to the Marver before beginning to get to work. He started to twist the pipe around a bit and pressed the end flat against it to make a cylinder shape, all the while blowing into the pipe to cause a bubble in the center of the glass to grow to make it hollow. And after a while, Eisen looked over at the four others standing around him just watching him.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to The_archer1202

    that is quite tall compared to most and considering that his wife was japanese the contrast increases the effect

    And as he did so, his 2 Meter Body grew to be 3 Meters tall with his regular bodily proportions. As he looked down at the amazed and shocked people around him, Eisen crossed his arms in satisfaction. "This is going to be quite useful." He exclaimed, before deciding to shrink his body down again, although he noticed something peculiar as well. It seemed like he couldn't just increase his body size compared to normal, but also shrink it down.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer

    this reminds me of overlord where momon also asks for everything to safe someones son.(no details cause spoilers)

    "How unfair... how could I ever turn that down? What is it you want from me in return?" The frog asked, he himself barely able to hold back his excitement anymore. And then, Eiro replied, "I want everything."
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to JVW

    if I had to guess then it would be because you can get the "advanced" element without the base form but you can't get a sub species without having the base first

    "Although..." Nelli chose to quickly intervene, since she thought she should add something to it, "Considering that she's a healer, having Life Magic is a really strong tool to have. For the others, their advanced element should be just a stronger version of their current ones, I'd assume, but Zoemancy is more than that. It's very similar to Necromancy in that it unlocks a whole different array of abilities. You should try and help her so that she can be taught at the academy after awakening it."
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • PandorasPlayer

    please note that this is not the end of the story but of this novel

    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to Majik770

    I think there Nest was in the sky

    In half a month, the engineering team's greatest modification to the floating island was the addition of a series of cannons affixed to the bottom. It was equipped with a full array of weaponry, going from 20mm autocannons to the biggest Longsong Cannons. After all, the Sky-sea Realm's main advantage was in the sea. Without the need for anti-air defenses, increasing the bottom's firepower was naturally the First Army's top priority.
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye
  • PandorasPlayer
    Replied to Beta_Tauri

    don't forget that it was set off inside a massive city dome out of solid rock

    A distance away from King's City was a demon camp that suffered equally severe repercussions, but they were ultimately only on the periphery of the eruption's destruction. Although the troops that had retreated from the beginning had suffered losses, it was not a complete decimation. To them, it was the fact that the Deity of Gods they hailed as a miracle had turned into a live volcano city was the true setback they couldn't handle.
    Release That Witch
    Fantasy · Second Eye