

2020-04-11 JoinedCanada

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  • Janet_Kennedy
    Replied to TimelessEssence

    Thank you!

    After Yun Xiao left with Yun Luofeng in his arms, Elder Rong could no longer suppress his rage and finally exploded. "I've already made an agreement with Yun'yatou today! In the end, it's all because Jing Lin was seeking trouble that it angered Yun'yatou to leave causing Daren's treatment to be delayed again!"
    Ghost Emperor Wild Wife: Dandy Eldest Miss
    Fantasy · Xiao Qiye
  • Janet_Kennedy

    I really enjoyed this story and character development. However, i think the ending was lacking resolution to the character development and plot line. It did not explain part of a red thread dream sequence nor did it resolve some individual plot lines between the main characters. It just left the reader hanging so I found it was extremely disappointed to invest my reading time into an exquisite fast moving story that fell flat. Extremely disappointing. The resolution could be a part 2.

    Chasing Star Moon
    · U17
  • Janet_Kennedy

    Gauge NOT gouge

    Elias had rushed here the second he was finished with Asher. He needed to personally witness that she ate something. If he missed the dining time with her, he wouldn't be able to gouge how much she consumed. 
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • Janet_Kennedy

    Because everyone had to have an opinion even if they are wrong

    "What do you expect?" Weston said. "Obviously, there will be a conflict. If not, why do you think His Majesty looks unhappy?"
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • Janet_Kennedy

    And why do they do willingly believe a crazy person’s statement?

    "But why are we treating this as if His Majesty is being forced to choose between Lady Claymore and Princess Adeline?" Easton asked.
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • Janet_Kennedy

    This guy westin is an asshole

    "Well?" Weston finally said after a moment of silence. He placed his hands on the desk and leaned forward, an expected look on his face.
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • Janet_Kennedy

    He Knows his grandmother is dcrewjng with them

    The twins exchanged puzzled looks with each other. They expected more than that. A deathly silence fell over the three of them. Soon, the screens dimmed and turned black.
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • Janet_Kennedy

    Lydia is a spoiled brat

    "But don't prolong it, I have somewhere to be later," she added on.
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • Janet_Kennedy

    Maybe sarcastic instead of statistic?

    There were rumors of how cold and statistic the King of the West was. It was said he showed no mercy, and when someone wronged him, they would never see the light of the day. Some even whispered he was a heartless monster, with the skin of a human, but the behavior of a beast.
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • Janet_Kennedy
    "Yes, but I have my eyes on that emotionally unavailable tuna with trust issues and a mountain of baggage," he deadpanned.
    His Majesty's Devious Sins
    Fantasy · Xincerely
  • Janet_Kennedy

    Stalker much?

    Louie knew that he went overboard once again but he can't control himself whenever he was with Luna. It feels like, he is in seventh heaven every time he and Luna were alone nor if Luna is just a few inches away from him. He cherished the minute they had danced, the way he felt her skin, her scent still lingers on his nose, and more especially the way they dance seemed they looked like a married couple for him. He wants to have more time with Luna, to be in his arms, to feel her touch, and most especially to smell her scent. 
    Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance
    Urban · summerzpoison
  • Janet_Kennedy

    What a selfish prick

    "HADES... Ethan, do you think I can also become a member of HADES? Being a member of HADES, I can be here and be close to my kids and Luna. Maybe that will be a way that I can protect Luna openly and be closer to her" Louie whispered to Ethan. With Louie's words, Ethan stared at him, "Louie< are you out of your mind? Do you think Luna will not avoid you by doing such a thing like that? Luna will hate you more and maybe even the twins. You are forcing yourself to them, it is you who made things to be like this, I am your friend Louie but this time I, myself will not allow you to do that for I can see the outcome that Luna will be disgusted and despise you more. Louie, can't you see? Luna is showing you how happy she was right now, and she wants you to feel more depressed because you can't have her anymore and even the twins. Louie, please do stop it. Stop whatever is running in your mind, if you still want Luna to talk with you because of the collaboration of our company, stop pestering her anymore" Ethan told him or more reprimanding him. 
    Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance
    Urban · summerzpoison
  • Janet_Kennedy

    What a sick creep Someone cut his hands off 👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼

    "I will help you with your parents, and in the first place...they already disowned you as their son but me and your mother Eva didn't do that, it is you who stop visiting us after Luna's death as we all know. But we forgive you, Edward. You don't have anything to do about that, it is Louie's own doing and now he regrets everything. He will regret it for the rest of his life" Elder Lucas said and they all look at Louie's side that keeps on recording a video of Luna from afar. 
    Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance
    Urban · summerzpoison
  • Janet_Kennedy

    No no no no no do not accept the rapist wife beater back into your life

    Louie shook his head, "I can't accept it, Luna. Being a business partner, it will only limit me to have some quality time with you. We can't even have a conversation like...like anything and everything under the sun. Please do accept me even as a friend" Louiem pleaded. 
    Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance
    Urban · summerzpoison
  • Janet_Kennedy

    Thank god the girl still has some common sense.

    "Louie, I'm sorry but there are things that you can't bring back from the past. There certain things that you will never take to your grasp even though you like it for those things already have moved on. I am married and I LOVE FRANCOIS so much. I have waited for five years for him to propose to me. It is him that makes my world go round Louie, and the twins' also, the twins' are so special to Francois even though he knew that he is not their father but still he showered them with affection and love. I'm sorry for I can't accept you to become my friend, but for being a business partner...that's the only relationship between us." Luna informs him and it is like a bomb that exploded to Louie's ears. 
    Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance
    Urban · summerzpoison
  • Janet_Kennedy


    "I know you always make it me alright and even when you are not, I didn't realize that the last ti,e I force myself to you, you make me alright even though you are not, I didn't know that...it will be the last time I'll ever touch you, smell your scent and feel your touch. those are the ways that I miss when I am with you. I didn't know but when I touch Sofia, I feel disgusted, I feel different....it is different when I'm with you. I know I can't bring back the time, it is too late for me to become your Knight and shining armor nor to become your Prince, I knew also that I am five years too late for the twins' but I hope you will grant my wish to become their father even there are restrictions that you and Viscount Francois will be laid to me. I wis for us to become friends Luna, I want to protect you especially with Sofia and her mother." Louie added. 
    Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance
    Urban · summerzpoison
  • Janet_Kennedy

    Push him away Where does it say someone has to forgive another person just because they cry at your feet.

    Luna was just looking at him, she is not moving from her spot from the moment Louie kneeled and embrace her from her waist and wails. "Luna, I truly look for you for five years, you can ask Yuan for confirmation. I regret marrying Sofia if I only knew that you are pregnant... No, I mean if only I knew from the start that you are the woman I met at the Wu Valentines Day Charity Gala, the woman in the mask, I won't let you go from my grasp. Luna, please forgive me. I regret not opening my eyes widely and be blinded to what Sofia and my Mom's words. Luna, it is you that I love, it is you that I want to spend my lifetime and to grow old. But those wishful thinking are now shattered because of my fault and now even I regret it, all I can wish and hope for is for you to forgive me and be your friend." Louie sadly told her while he was crying and still embracing Luna's waist. Luna didn't expect Louie's outburst, she didn't know what to do as she becomes rooted to where she was standing. 
    Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance
    Urban · summerzpoison
  • Janet_Kennedy

    This guy is such an asshole

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all the heartache that I gave to you. I'm sorry for hurting you in all aspect, I really don't know, but all I want to do that time was...after you signed the divorce documents, I want us to live just like what we used to be when we are living at the Villa. That you will continue to live at Villa 7, that if I will come to visit the Villa 7 even I am in a relationship with Sofia, I can still see you, hug you, and kiss you. I'm sorry if I let you go that easily, I regret that I signed those documents." Louie suddenly blurted out, and he can't control his tears from flowing into his eyes. He suddenly kneeled in front of Luna and hug Luna's waist as he wails because of the pain he is having, the pain that can't be cured by any medicine available in the market.
    Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance
    Urban · summerzpoison
  • Janet_Kennedy

    So is mommy gonna take a hit out on her?

    Dragon is a proud beast and they only have 1 partner in their whole life. They could only married another if their partner die.
    The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator
    Fantasy · Zehell2218
  • Janet_Kennedy

    Hahahaha. serves you right.

    "A-a...w-what do you mean son?" The empress gathered all her courage and asked in a flustered tone.
    The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator
    Fantasy · Zehell2218