

2020-03-29 JoinedKazakhstan

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  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Chill_ean_GUY

    No problem at all, I love you story and I would like to see it to its end. If I may recommend something to you, I recommend making a discord server and getting some people to help you around with your writing, I would not mind helping you a little myself, but this is in your hands and you can do as you wish.

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    Blood And Iron GoT)
    TV · Chill_ean_GUY
  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Chill_ean_GUY

    Hmmmm, you learn something new everyday.

    This time it was no surprise that there was a good group of Finns in the final, as it is the weapon they specialize in, but they are not used to use longbows with a lot of power, preferring small curved bows with which they can jump and shoot arrows at the same time.
    Blood And Iron GoT)
    TV · Chill_ean_GUY
  • Jaddaritelight

    Robert wielded a hammer"," that he must have "taken from one of his banner men, trying to hit Charles," but the Teuton was extremely fast, even with all the steel he was carrying on "himself".

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    Blood And Iron GoT)
    TV · Chill_ean_GUY
  • Jaddaritelight

    "I must say that watching your tercios "in person is different from hearing about them in stories of battles""

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    Blood And Iron GoT)
    TV · Chill_ean_GUY
  • Jaddaritelight

    "by the seven Lord Hohenzollern I thought "you were about to do something else"".

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    Blood And Iron GoT)
    TV · Chill_ean_GUY
  • Jaddaritelight

    I know, I am going to give orders to some of my men to try to get Robert out of the tournament as soon as possible and with the least amount of damage because ", I don't think he is going to make things easy and get eliminated from the tournament early, as he is a good fighter",

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    Blood And Iron GoT)
    TV · Chill_ean_GUY
  • Jaddaritelight

    I will get armor "from" my brother's men. (Its not like he can find any his size *snicker*.)

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    Blood And Iron GoT)
    TV · Chill_ean_GUY
  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Nogitsune96

    Ok so you are saying here the powerful people that are being "used" but at the same time they are using the church for their own agenda by destroying the church, bruh...... So the puppet and the puppet master at the same time is destroying his own pawn for no reason other then why the f*ck not. Do you see any problems with what you said here mister church is all bad?

    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Nogitsune96

    hahahahaha, What powerful people you are talking about? Christianity is very clearly a dying religion no matter how you look at it, If they had these powerful people in their pockets then they would not compromise with lgbtq+ and allow them to exist in the catholic church, they would not allow France to humiliate their priests by calling them all r*pist and parade them on the streets for all to see, so what kind of powerful you talking about? the pope who is a puppet that does not have power over anything? please do show me the powerful people.

    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Nogitsune96

    You are being disrespectful, if you look it up the amount of kids getting r*ped in public schools is much higher, and that is in secular school without religion, and its utterly stupid to write off an entire religion just because some people did something wrong that does not represent their religion at all, and you are here claiming not to be an atheist but does have the manners of one as you speak disgusting vulgarities backed by nothing but emotion, so learn a lesson about reality and know that the media always shows the minorities and not the majorities in any group they show, so please go ahead and learn something with your life that is better then ranting like an emotional kid on the internet.

    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Nogitsune96

    So you are an atheist fanatic, so what makes you better then the guys you call religious fanatics, when you have the same problems as them? you do a jump of faith upon the believe that there is no god, you defend your religion everywhere and you attack every other religion (an intolerant pr*ck ), atheism is just the new religion of our new age(you try to attach yourself with science but most of the science of our modern world was discovered or rediscovered by religious people ), and you are acting here like atheist are some paragons of morality when atheist barely have any reason to keep morals, that can be seen from the lgbtq+ movement which is filled to the brim with p*dos and r*pist, hahahahah you come here saying religious people are murderers when the most amount of death happened because of two secular wars(ww1 and ww2) two wars that did not include religion at all, so the two biggest wars of our day and age were none religious and you still have the balls to come here and say that religious people were murders.

    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Nogitsune96

    We don't care about what you like, You are a d*mn simp for characters that don't exist, is that why you are here? expecting some h*nt*i fanfic about some character that you love getting f*cked by an mc that you like to put yourself in his place, go get a life before you lose yourself in your m*sturb*tion addiction you r*tard.

    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Jaddaritelight

    This fanfic of DxD is much better then expected for a lot of reasons: 1- Story got an amazing author: as there is barely any grammar mistakes through out the text that will cut off your immersion in the story. 2- The author has deeply delved into history and telling us quite a unique story in the dxd world just before ww2(which is quite interesting in of itself) and I deeply loved the little newspapers at the end of the chapters. 3- The MC's personality is highly......special and very different to your average MC, let me not speak much about him as he is yours to discover and judge. 4- The author seems to have read the DxD novels to search for the world building, the characters that were in ww2 era, and the like, which is highly interesting, and much better then your average wiki scan authors. That is it for now as the story is still very little in size and hope such a story continues for a longer period of time then you average 15 chapters and then drop.

    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Nogitsune96

    You really are malding and seething over a fanfic on webnovel that included religion in it, Are you really that damn retarded? I am quite surprised that the likes of you still exist in the gene pool you damn neanderthal.

    DxD: Brimstone
    Anime & Comics · Boundless_
  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Trunere

    I think you are misunderstanding something here, this is just the 8th chapter. the story barely started yet, if they expect the MC to become level 500 in such little time, and going around smashing every player in the game, then they should go read wish fulfillment it may not be as good in writing style or plot or anything to be honest, they can leave to read them, I hope they love a reta**ed mc which cant do anything but look for woman.

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  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Trunere

    its not he dislikes the chapter, its just he does not understand the beauty of the chapter here. he needs to understand how great the author is, be it by hand or fist.

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  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Trunere

    your welcome, come at anytime.

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  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Trunere

    Nice replay Mr. High Standards.

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  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Demon_Bat

    who do you think you are? its the first time I have seen you on this fanfic, and you feel entitled to demand things from the author, have you no shame, what have you done to this novel to demand something like that? did you give stones? no, you have not, did you give real criticism about the novel? no, you have not, and you have the audacity to come here and demand of the author to buff other players. go read something else if this is not to your so "high" standards.

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  • Jaddaritelight
    Replied to Shub_Niggurath

    you’d think that top tier, nearly perfect writing would forgive a small nerf but apparently not. looks like you haven’t read enough webnovel to see how great this story is in comparison to others, yet you feel entitled to comment saying that the story is going downhill? go and read your wish fulfillment harem novels where mc cruises by everything with no problem you nerd.

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