Love reading anything, will help in spelling of English words or turn of phrases when I see them not criticizing just wanting to help will give golden tickets when available.
of reading
Read books
Nit wit wear a Halloween Mask practice signing your names differently don't speak during the event or just come clean and say you are who you really are it's going to happen sooner then later. it must be tiring to be four people at one time.
only if you take a pay cut like Senior Sun.
🎶🎶We are the world🎶🎶
Haven't they noticed yet every thing Lin Yuan touches turns to gold. Another thing if he weren't so greedy he might have gotten more Prestige by writing songs for top tier who have more Fans I mean he needs to get that for the system to heal him permanently then he could sing his own songs and not share at all.
Someone is going to be a single dog if his girlfriend see this text.
Miss Teschmacher Lex Lothor's secretary from Superman one The late Gene Hackman played him.
I couldn't find a green dress
wait??? what ??? wasn't Alice on the Brady Bunch a housekeeper? she cooked and for nine people if you add herself to the list ten when the cousin showed up at the end of the show.
BUBL could be pronounced Bubble because of all the financial bubbles that are going to burst because of miss handling of Financials .