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Look up Great Sword training it is high intensity resistance training combining martial arts stances while heavy lifting it works on several muscles groups you don’t get on regular work outs it help with balance ,and endurance. You can make it yourself or you could buy it just look up wooden training great sword, if you train in this style it’s tough, ridged and painful but when you get the movements down it feels like your whole body is supposed to be like. I would recommend watching Ashmen Berserk training videos but not getting the sword off the web it’s expensive do it yourself and if you want to buy it you hav to wait 4 to 6 weeks.
+1 For the neutral character that is willing to cripple bad guys and will to get rid of characters like Overhual need I say more, and to get the Rabbit Mommy you still need have good quality’s of a hero plus who wants to be chained by society’s rules in this Fictional world or be chased by weak characters for the rest of your life seems rather pointless. This is the most suitable option and from how the story is going so far being a neutral character fits the best.
Just because ,that and everything is subjective now a days.
Garchomp/Kommo-o are my favorite dragon types
In the Bible in some verse it says it’s better to plant your seed in the belly of a wh@*& then leave your seed on the ground or something like Ike that
Both black, and white are colors because we can see them transparent and clear are not colors because we see through them like windows yet we persieve them unlike if something is truly invisible then how do we know it real, so white and black are colors because white reflects light and black absorbs it thus are eyes perceive it.
If kuina ate a devil fruit the one that would probably suit her best is a mythical zoan fruit being a Yuki Onna.
Unfortunately this happens in war and speaking subjectively and strategically this might be someone else. Who will gain more from this both sides weak fighting each other who will come in who benefits most in war the rich the elites thoughts in power.Absolute power will corrupt absolutely and the innocent suffers on both sides, and both sides are blinded by anger and anger makes people stupid sorry if it sounds callous but war is always ugly in the end we are all people no matter are Race, Religion, and way of life. Good and bad people are a dime a dozen.