


Never enough time

2020-03-12 JoinedCanada

of reading


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  • Dragon_gawain
    Replied to Rowan_Males

    yeah, that makes. Aspects shouldn't be able to be champions of other aspects.

    Ch 577 An Equalizing Force
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    Thanks for the chapter! An interesting event has occurred! I cannot help but wonder if Daniel's status as a champion of life will influence anything here, or if it will not matter since his status as a champion of life is based on that he is immortal, on the condition that one of his mind, body, or spirit still survives. hmmm

    Ch 577 An Equalizing Force
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    Happy holidays to you all as well!

    Ch 576 Broken Balance
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain
    Replied to SevenDays

    So if his system generated planet is gone, does that mean that all the people and structures that were on it just suddenly stopped having ground? Or is it that the planet just became disconnected from him? The way I currently see it is that, as Daniel had said, the system and all of its boons are there to help the champions of destiny evolve into aspects of existence. Destiny took these actions to prove to Fate that he could create beings that exist outside of Fates domain. Therefore, once the beings evolve to a full aspect, they lose their connection with Destiny's gifts (as was already postulated by Dan). Therefore, his system is currently in Destiny's control is my hypothesis. Destiny won't do anything with it as, from what I've interpreted, Destiny does not like interfering too much, just giving things a little push and letting them unfold (which is why Destiny protected Dan's universe from destruction all that time ago, so that his pushes in that universe would not be lost). Anyway, that was a long ramble, but there's my 2 cents.

    Ch 570 The Oriole Behind (Part 1)
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    Some actual character growth and change in a way that makes sense, that happens over time. It's nice to see character growth written well for once. Something somewhat rare on this site. Thanks for the chapter! Like others, I sense that the end is nigh, so looking forward to seeing how this book ends! Still a fair number of loose ends to wrap up though, so at least another ~30 odd chapters methinks.

    Ch 566 I Am Karma
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    It would seem that I'm ~a month late to discovering that this chapter was posted. Shame that there's not another by now as well, but I've come to accept that the story is basically finished as is. I can see only a few possible routes for the story to end, and none of them would be truly wholly satisfactory to me. Either way, thanks for the chapter, and I'll read the next one when I do.

    Ch 553 Link of Violence
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    I get the feeling that the amount of actual progress in terms of the story has lessened a lot lately, along with the delay in chapter postings. Don't get me wrong, I still love this book and all, but I agree with what others are saying about it getting tough to read. Hopefully the author will have more time in the next few weeks with christmas coming up and all.

    Ch 546 A Hard Pill to Swallow
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    This is just cruel... how can you give me such a snippet and then tell me to wait... Great chapter as always, guess I'll just huddle myself in the corner and wait for the next one now...

    Ch 545 To Bring Morals to a Gun Fight
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain
    Replied to Gepunktmueller

    Not quite, there's about 20 from War's domain, but 5 from Morality's, the summoner, the monk, the archer, the shielder and the heroic warrior. Plus Dan when he decides to step in I guess...

    Ch 545 To Bring Morals to a Gun Fight
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    geez, I'm thankful for the update and all, but you're too talented at giving us these cliff hangers.

    Ch 543 The Morality of War
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    Another amazing chapter, though it leaves much wanting and great anticipation for what's coming up!

    Ch 542 Potential Allies and Sure Enemies
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain
    Replied to TrueGodOfExp

    This chapter gave exhaustive answers, yet said nothing at all. To quote the chapter itself.

    Ch 542 Potential Allies and Sure Enemies
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    phew, finally all caught up again. There's some exciting stuff going on here. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is an amazing book and every chapter is well worth the wait for the quality that it has!

    Ch 540 Champion of Karma
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    How... how did I miss a chapter release for over 2 days?! Anyway, I'll read this tomorrow cause I need to go to sleep now :( Something to look forward to! yay! Anyway, I'm sure the chapter will be great and all so [insert positive comment here] and all that!

    Ch 537 Changes Within
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain
    Replied to SirBecks

    Glad I could offer some entertainment :)

    Ch 599 Outcast (Part 1)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Dragon_gawain
    Replied to StoicFurlong

    It said just after that he chooses how much he spends, but that the more he spends, the stronger the effect.

    Ch 535 Weight of an Active Conscience
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain
    Replied to TrueGodOfExp

    Yeah, he didn't need to spend trillions. I mean, if he spent 1 trillion, that should've been enough to crumble them all to dust. I mean, it might've taken a little longer, but still, their karma was probably less than negative 50 billion, so it should've still done a lot. I agree, this was a waster of karma. But more importantly, it's a plot device used so that the author couldn't give Dan a huge boost with all his collected karma. Still, I understand why it happened and I like this book a bit too much to complain about this, despite it being a clear plot device to me. At least he should still be collecting karmic points from the good deeds that everyone in his group is doing. The other important thing to note that happened in this chapter is her revealed the nature of his system... karma.

    Ch 535 Weight of an Active Conscience
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Dragon_gawain

    I'm gonna say that he's ascending to become the aspect of Karma. Why? Because to ascend past godhood, you need the aid of an aspect of existence. When did Dan receive his enlightenment? When Chaos lent him some of his power. Last, what is Karma but a form of chaos? For karma can be dealt in any form, from a random attack from space parasites to getting hit by a meteorite to simply tripping over a stone. Therefore, I think Dan has become an aspect that is subservient to Chaos in the same way that Competition is subservient to Combat. However, due to the nature of this book, Dan should be able to rise above that. What existence he shall evolve into, I'm not sure... though it might be something like THE aspect of existence, as opposed to AN aspect of existence (as in the aspect of existence of existence).

    Ch 534 The Faith of Destiny's Spawn
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk