Tell you something about myself
of reading
Read books
I know that, I was joke poking jokes at author
yeah I most definitely did that purposely... definitely
Np Happy to help
most likely since they are merchants- Plus seeing him not wanting to abandon the 'merchandise' kinda planted a suspicion
Nah other character povs make the story a bit more interesting because of their thoughts in contrast to what the MC is thinking, It's fun to ride in others boats. [img=More pls][img=Feeling it]
Humans are always unpleasant in one way or another, and I'm going to bet that they somehow think they are the superior race... Ugh- [img=disgusted]
Good gods, There's nothing better than reading a new chapter on Christmas morning. Merry Christmas
Author must feed me more, This is too good tobe true
a fun ride we've had, thank you for the meal