

2020-02-28 JoinedGlobal



of reading


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  • KabuNo
    KabuNo7 months ago

    It's interesting and I think it's worth reading but the only thing I dislike is that the chapters don't have a title. Titles make it easier for me to remember what chapter I'm on since I'm reading so many different things all the time

  • KabuNo
    KabuNoa year ago

    There are two equal paths to stories, in my opinion. In column one, it is stories that are fun and enjoyable but make your brain hurt if you think too hard. In column two, it is stories that make so much sense, they force you to enjoy them out of the sheer thought that went into their construction. This story... is in column one! If you're looking for a fun junk food story, then look no further!!!

  • KabuNo
    KabuNoa year ago

    It is too early to tell whether or not this will be good, but it seems promising enough... I've read some of your other stories, I just wish you wouldn't give up so often... So don't give up!

  • KabuNo
    KabuNoa year ago

    I... have no idea what I'm reading! That's probably because I'm not even halfway through Reverend Insanity, but I couldn't resist. In any case, this is enjoyable enough even with my confusion.

  • KabuNo
    KabuNoa year ago

    I usually read and do not comment, but the effort that has gone into this fic has compelled me to log in. There isn't a single part of this story that is lacking!

  • KabuNo
    KabuNo2 years ago

    I think what really irks me is that you write like 8 paragraphs in between dialogue about information that is obvious to anyone paying attention. So it makes for scenes where the characters are legit standing there for an entire chapter. I really wanna like this fic but you’re losing me here.

  • KabuNo
    KabuNo2 years ago

    This excessively bloated prose is just your writing style, isn't it? Well, whatever. If you don't wanna change your style, I feel like it'd be better if you combined chapters before posting. The chapters have felt incomplete for a while now. Or don't. I'm just some dude.

  • KabuNo
    KabuNo3 years ago

    There's no way this story is so ████████, like, how did you do it? Did you ████ or maybe you ██████??? I have to know bro this is ██████ It's hurting my brain like how

  • KabuNo
    KabuNo3 years ago

    If I'm really being honest, this is the ever. Like, there's no story that's more than this one. And if you don't believe me you're a , like seriously. You gotta read this story it's so .

  • KabuNo
    KabuNo3 years ago

    História muito boa, ótimo protagonista, com uma história bem desenvolvida e com uma história que não é clichê, muito bom,...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................