Follow me on IG : Adi_Gm17 This is a discord author. If you like discussing this novel, please stop by buy me coffee :
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I Think this is Good novel that Author Love to Write...Give Comments...., BTW this novel is slow Progres about Stories..
yah....bukan bidangnya bro...sorry yah
kl gratis gpp, tp kl mau dikontrak susah, soalnya kena copyright
wah....penggemar lama, thanks bro sblmnya udh suka sama karya Gua, Pengen juga sih ngelanjutin cerita itu, tp saat ini lagi butuh pemasukan tambahan, jadi bikin novel yang kemungkinan terkontrak sama webnovel dan bisa bikin tambahan penghasilan.tapi ga nutup juga kemungkinan, buat ttp bisa bikin, asal ada platform yang bisa nampung itu karya plus bisa ngehasilin dengan karya indo. ( soalnya di sini webnovel udh ga terima karya terkontrak indo, kalo u punya saran bagus mungkin w bisa coba dan pertimbangan) sklo lagi thanks ya buat requestnya
I think it's good , for some reason this novel is some think that author really hard work, different from author another novel, this is one of the best author novel so far, hope it Will bring another journey for the reader.
Because author is still try to find good story, so soryy bro for make MC look dumb ...
sory for bad English....
Idenya ilang brooooo.....jadi ganti cerita lagi, sambil yah...liat ceritanya kayaknya ga menarik jadi ganti lagi, pengen kasi cerita yang lebih baik dan menarik....soryy yah kl suka ga selesai... ( masih bingung buat namatin cerita yang blm selesai buat bikin ending yang enak)
Of course not Bro, Thanks for the reminder and sorry for not being able to reply to your message until now.Greetings from the author Adi GM
You are right my friend about that and in advance thank you for commenting and giving advice.Sorry for only being able to reply to your message at this time.The author is currently doing 2 jobs so it's true that the author is writing in a rush, causing the story to not be good.Only after considering many things, in the end the author decided to be a more serious writer, so in the future I hope that you will still want to read my work and provide input and criticism on my writing.The author's dream is to build a professional team for the author's novels in the future, and hopefully this will come true.Warm greetings to you, friends, from Author Adi Gm.