I love reading and I am trying writing, but you will notice that I am a complete newbie, any advice is welcome
of reading
Read books
I was thinking, since magic circles work like programs, you could develop things like magical airships, both airships and airplanes. and also simple land vehicles, at the end of the day you just have to invent a magical jet engine or manage to create a magical electric motor.
One thing that is not mentioned about Guy's technique is that the more chakra a person has technically the stronger the technique will be, the reason for this is that the last doors overdraw the person's chakra to the limit it can handle giving them a boost enormous and only in the eighth gate does it exceed that limit. But imagine opening the eighth door but having Tsunade's abilities, that is, being able to easily regenerate from any mortal wound and even better if the strange power is added.
he might have wished for an increase in his adaptive capacity, which would have allowed him to go further.
too small, need this
are you still alive author? I loved your story and I hope you don't drop it and I don't know if you have a release schedule or anything.
Now you have a super material, perfect for making heavy hypersonic projectiles. I doubt that most DC villains can withstand a hit from a 1 ton carbonarium projectile at 20 kilometers per second.
Why not?
There is a Japanese children's series with a lot of super strong technologies, from time travel to teleportation and even reality manipulation. The series is called Doraemon the Cosmic Cat and its technologies would return to Batman Op
In Dragon Ball there are few melee moves that combine with ki. An idea could be some pointed ki knuckles or two sharp blades on the knuckles as well. or similar themes, I think it is something that is missing a lot in the series and that has a lot of potential.