


Researcher and romance expert of the Cross-Brain, the team of seven that writes This Bites!

2020-02-01 JoinedGlobal

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  • Cyberweasel89

    It's very sub-par and doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. it's very fast-paced, yet at the same time rambles over inconsequential things. It's takes so long to actually get to any plot, with lots of characters who don't matter much, and wastes time on events that don't seem to pay off or have any point. If this is meant to be an isekai fantasy adventure, it's not got much adventure. If this is meant to be porn, it's not very sexy. I'm very involved in the ENF genre and this is Love Hina levels of tame. If it's meant to be a comedy story, it's not very funny. I just wound up frustrated by the inane antics. There's no cleverness to any of the jokes. It's all just "look at how unfortunate Min is, ha ha" and that's it. Speaking of Min, the author can't seem to decide how big her boobs are. He is constantly hammering in that she's petite, slender, and various other words, and has a small ass and tiny tits. ANY chance the author has to compare Min's boob size to another female character is taken, usually more than once, no matter how creepy this fixation with comparing women's boobs starts to get. Like, I don't get the point of all these references to Min's "smallish" boob size, especially when it's completely inconsistent. See, the author can't seem to decide exactly how big Min's boobs are. One minute she's flat as a board, the next he's describing actions and events that imply she's got some boobage. The uncensored cover suggests she's at least a C-cup, the gross AI art theft on the author's DeviantART gallery imply she's a B-cup, and she only seems to be an A-cup or flat-chested in a very "tell, don't show" way because every descriptor incidates more of a B or C than the itty bitty titties that he wants us to believe Min has for no reason. The author has a very weird relationship with tits in general. He uses some really weird descriptors for them. Like describing one woman's boobs as "shapely, " when that's more of a descriptor for a woman's body type, not her boobs. Like, what shape are boobs when they're "shapely?" He also uses "chest" to describe women's breasts a lot, which just reads extremely awkwardly and makes what I THINK is meant to be a screwball erotic comedy seem oddly clinical and juvenile. Then there's the revelation of just what Min's curse is. It's something, but it's a serious missed opportunity on so many levels. All in all, it's mindless popcorn reading that can't seem to decide what it wants to be or what direction to go in. The author is extremely indecisive and ignorant about the boobs he keeps mentioning and the actual writing quality is average at its very best. 2/5 stars. Sub-par. Frankly not worth the length when the quality can't match it. Also, "Beautiful Protagonist" tag is a lie. At least, it is until the author finally picks a breast size for Min and sticks with it. Either that or he stops obsessing over how scrawny she is. It kinda gets creepy how much he focuses on how underdeveloped his MC's body is even though he can never decide HOW underdeveloped she is.

    I got reincarnated naked and can’t find a pair of pants!
    Fantasy · Ldn
  • Cyberweasel89
    Replied to Lize

    Considering that it's been over a year and now only has this man not taken down our copied work, nor has the the site administration done anything in response to our verification of this user's unauthorized reposting, we are unlikely to use or trust this site. Not when it has verifiable proof of unauthorized use of another author's work and has deliberately chosen to do nothing, while the user doing it has deliberately chosen not to respect the wishes of the original authors.

    This Bites! by Xomniac
    Others · Lagran
  • Cyberweasel89
    Replied to Lagran

    Lagran, your silence and non-compliance in response to the Cross-Brain telling you to take down the fanfic you copied from us without our permission is more telling than any actual response you're unwilling to give.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2: Surprise Champion
    In One Piece with a Semi Aquatic Mammal
    Anime & Comics · Lagran
  • Cyberweasel89
    Replied to Lagran

    You'll reply to a comment here, but you won't reply to two of the original authors of one of the fanfics you reposted here without our permission? And you still haven't taken it down despite our complains? Silence can say more than words, Lagran.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: In one Piece with a twist.
    In One Piece with a Semi Aquatic Mammal
    Anime & Comics · Lagran