Thief:Clan War
After the thorough judgement of the gods, the men dwelling on earth had been divided into two:The sinners, and the faithful followers of the commandments. The faithful men who spent their lives with the guidance of the commandments had been granted the promised land. A land free from thirst, hunger and suffering as described by the holy books. On the contrary, those who failed to abode the commandments and sinned were thrown into Tartarus; an unlawful land ruled by the unknown.
Xenov Haza, a dweller of Tartarus, bore an insatiable desire to avenge the death of his clan. A once dominant clan of all time.
The Haza's crowning for the next Protector of the cube became a cause of disagreement, and eventually resulted in to disunity among the members of Haza; the worst is the segregation of the family members. This chaos occurring within the Haza was used by the Great Family Alliance to their advantage to steal the Haza's family cubes,The storage of power;if their family cubes were stolen,so too their powers. Little by little, they attacked the dispersed clan members throughout Tartarus and managed to win by outnumbering them; However, their primary mission to steal the Haza's cubes came out to be unsuccessful because of their failure to pinpoint the location of the real Protector of their cubes. The Great Family Alliance never gave up this mission until they finally located the last survivors of the Haza, and the Protector of their cubes.
Imsorry · Fantasy