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  • Aethersprite0110
    Replied to PrimalWhiteStar

    He lost the limb in the first voldemort war fighting death eaters, not while teaching at hogwarts, which he technically never did.

    To Alex's delight the only people he knew were Dumbledore, McGonagall, Slughorn, Flitwick and Filch. He didn't know if Hagrid was a forest ranger or not. And oddly enough, Mad-Eye. He looked a lot better now than he had before, but still the magic eye was there, but the prosthetic seemed to be gone.
    Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin
    Book&Literature · FanFictionForge
  • Aethersprite0110

    Isn't Harry supposed to be 4 years older than the others?

    "But that's two years away! And Harry won't be there at home. It'll be so boring without him," Susan protested, her disappointment evident.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • Aethersprite0110
    Replied to OloEyktan

    She was not, you're probably mistaking her for Dorea Potter neé Black.

    "Thank you for joining us for the reading of the Last Wills and Testaments of Fleamont Henry Potter and Euphemia Potter (nee Ackford)," Barchoke announced, his voice clear and authoritative. 
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • Aethersprite0110

    There's a lot of mistakes that need to corrected, probably get a few beta readers before releasing the chapters.

    Ch 10 First day at Hogwarts.
    Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin
    Book&Literature · FanFictionForge
  • Aethersprite0110

    Headboy and headgirl, not headmaster.

    - The defeated lion, - a part of the wall seemed to melt away and the entrance to the living room appeared in front of everyone. The Headmasters followed inside and the freshmen hurried after them. The Slytherin drawing room was exactly as Alex remembered it when he had snuck into the Slytherin drawing room as Harry Potter with his friend Ron Weasley in the guise of Crabbe and Goyle. Still the same black, leather, expensive and soft furniture, pale green lighting and a slight chill.
    Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin
    Book&Literature · FanFictionForge
  • Aethersprite0110

    This fic needs to be redone.

    Taking a deep breath. Alex walked out of the crowd, feeling several hundred stares on him. Especially the Slytherin table, the Headmaster, and the Dean of Slytherin himself. The former was as interested in the appearance of the heir to one of the Founders as the latter was, but he was also interested in Slyznorth because he had a thing for famous personalities, and the Headmaster was interested in one more thing besides all that. He was a member of a family that was thought to be dead. Besides, the legendary Deathly Hallows came from this very family, and Albus had seen for himself that it was not a legend. The Elder or Elder Wand, which the Headmaster had the honour of owning, but which had suddenly disappeared right out of the Headmaster's hands a few years ago, and then, a few years later, a member of the same family showed up. They don't know that Alexandros is the head of both, the rings are hidden. As the boy sat down on the chair he felt a hat being placed on his head, and then Alex heard the voice of the hat in his head. 
    Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin
    Book&Literature · FanFictionForge
  • Aethersprite0110

    Also moody was an auror, not a professor till 1994.

    To Alex's delight the only people he knew were Dumbledore, McGonagall, Slughorn, Flitwick and Filch. He didn't know if Hagrid was a forest ranger or not. And oddly enough, Mad-Eye. He looked a lot better now than he had before, but still the magic eye was there, but the prosthetic seemed to be gone.
    Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin
    Book&Literature · FanFictionForge
  • Aethersprite0110

    Atleast do some research before writing, rather than just making things up

    Study Material: A Cursive Book of Conspiracies and Spells for the First Year, by Miranda Hussockle. A history of magic by Bathilda Bagshot. Adalbert Woffling's Theory of Magic. A transfiguration manual for beginners by Emeric Switch. A Thousand Magical Plants and Mushrooms by Philly da Spore. Magical potions and potions by Gig Myshiakoff, Fantastic Beasts: the habitats of Newt Salamander and Dark Forces: a self-defence manual by Quentin Trimble.
    Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin
    Book&Literature · FanFictionForge
  • Aethersprite0110

    The story is great, just needs a bit fine tuning and research. Also in my opinion add less non canon or crossovers that story eventually loses direction and becomes clunky. And try to streamline the MC.

    Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld
    Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3