I am your average worker. I like to read. I like playing games.
of reading
Read books
She is sitting on his on his car lol
Yes they do however it is not effective for them
What is this the binding of Isaac
If the speed of light is slower than everything ages less quickly. The speed of light is our marker for how quickly time travels
Huh this is exactly why you don’t yell at the Dean 😂😂
When did he get a second diamond seal?
Every time I hear this I think of like a soft voice saying puki almost like pikachu
To be fair the numbers in this novel is all over the place at least he has been getting better about not retconning as much
Actually Assasin is the occupation they do it for money nobody ever said they didn’t have doing their job however I get your point I am disagreeing with you since it is not a true statement now if you talk ninja it is their duty as a their clan to do it that is totally different