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This volume was my least favourite. Looking forward for the next one.
A grown up man makes his own choices. If he did than he did. It is not like it's something hard to fix.
Constant releases! Autor-san you are on a roll!
True, true for the first half. MC still managed to get his relationship count record in 3rd volume.
... and third, and fourth oh and fifth volume is already spoiled to be as well :D
I have mixed feelings, if it is in fact a power spike I hope it will have some major negative side. It doesn't seemed earned to me. Things are poping left and right ready to be picked up, spells, connections, Intel. Storytelling is way better here in Chaos no doubt but pacing feelt better in BoDS.
Great chapters. I love solo adventures, multi dimenasional character with shades of gray as an addition - even better. IMO wayyy better then the kumbaya / hold hands segments with single trait party of dolls.
well, another chap to skip. the romance part of the story got soo cringe. Guess story is still going downhill. I pray next arc will be decent