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  • Daoist012112
    Daoist012112a year ago

    why does the author want to make a seven times married woman a virgin? To make her a hero's woman in the future? Why do something so ridiculous? You can simply not make her a love interest since the author does not like women who have already been in relationships.

  • Daoist012112
    Daoist012112a year ago

    I don’t like the character of the hero, Hestia was pushed to the ground and he didn’t help her at all, on the contrary, he completely ignored her and went to fuck. This is how he treats the goddess who accepted him despite his arrogant request to sign a contract. The hero also behaves aggressively like a mad dog and tries to bite for little things despite the consequences of his actions, which will harm not only him, but also his family (he almost destroyed the Hephaestus family store)

  • Daoist012112
    Daoist0121122 years ago

    Stopped reading at chapter 22, that chapter was so idiotic that I couldn't go on. Now the book has more than 2000 chapters and I believe that the book will be better in the future. But why couldn't the author rewrite this chapter, which scares away a huge number of readers?

  • Daoist012112
    Daoist0121123 years ago

    I will not comment on brain cancer in girls, but if after this chapter, the hero does not break off relations with them until they leave their boyfriends, then I stop reading.

  • Daoist012112
    Daoist0121123 years ago

    What other books does this author have? And what is the nickname of the author in general? (To search in Google)

  • Daoist012112
    Daoist0121123 years ago

    Good story, MC have a brain, not pokeman harem. I really like read this. Этот сайт действительно раздражает. Буквально всё сделано чтобы меня разозлить. Боже, неужели нельзя сделать нормальный сайт для людей? Почему русские сайты лучше и удобнее чем это интернациональное дерьмо? Поиск утроен идиотски, чтобы написать отзыв нужно писать 140+ знаков, а звёздочки целых 5 раз ставить...

  • Daoist012112
    Daoist0121123 years ago

    Really good novel. Omg i dont know why i cant press post wth omg help me. Oh, я теперь понял в чём problems. Need to write more слов. i really hate this site. Why i cant block tags in search? Why almost all popular books have braindead MC with pokeman harem? Why i cant just choose delete this tags in search and read a normal books? Really hate..

  • Daoist012112
    Daoist0121123 years ago
    Replied to HappyKing

    Thank you, will there be a chapter today?

  • Daoist012112
    Daoist0121123 years ago

    Thank you, will there be a chapter today?