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author stop posting unfinished repeat chapters it messes with privileged chapters your notes don't show until after you have purchased.
Dude is straddling the spectrum...
Same.. no substance to the characters, no real character development talking about how the first 300 chapters are about family. Whole book to this chapter is Go kill random monster, dodge dodge stab, long hard fight, kill in less than a paragraph. level. random number of free stat points given on each level, I missed you brother rinse repeat, I wuv my siblings I am guardian of. No continuity of time. Zero depth to the characters, no reason to care.
if you go back to the beginning he has lower than average stats as everything was in his Intel based stats, so he was basically a smart cripple. I'm just surprised that mana is so low.
my guess is they have mana based over shields that eliminate high speed and high energy projectiles. I prefer the worlds where mana messes with technology and combustibles and manatech allows for computers and cars..
hegemon, not hedgehog, Captain not caption.
I tend to think the author is not around kids that much.. as kids don't really socialize much until about 3-4 years old when you start arranging play dates.
didn't she break her beloved spear that she had been using since she was a beginner?
Can you like not use stupid fonts..