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He’d be a knight, since he’s male, not a Valkyrie. Though, einherjar would fit better with the Norse theme
He’s being buying weapons and putting them in GOB to shoot em out later
Oh damn, that ain’t good
“The Arcana are the means by which all shall be revealed”
It’s lovers, it’s a tarot card
A fic by Crossedge, can it be anything but peak? But seriously, do read, it’s really good. Also, check out his Patreon for more chapters and fics. Anyway, synopsis, MC reincarnates in DxD, parents died so he moves to Kyoto. Gets a system, moves to Kyoto, and finds out the restaurant can connect to other worlds. So, yeah, he gets to cooking.
Another peak fic by Cross. So synopsis, MC reincarnates into DXD though doesn’t know that at first. A VRMMORPG by the name of SAO releases one day, and while it’s is similar to the SAO anime, it’s not the same. Anyway, trapped in death game, gotta get stronger, level up, and escape. Won’t say more to avoid spoilers but please do check it out.
Damn, what’s this from?
Damn, really going full Naoya Zenin with this