After reading countless of rebirth stories where the FL gets revenge on those people who’ve wronged her,now i sincerely wish to read a novel where the FL just decides to let go and live peacefully
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True i stopped. And stupidity is not measured by degree or profession, even a person with a high iq can be stupid and naive. She is clearly troublesome. I stopPed reading, this novel is so overrated i think no mature people will read this. She keeps on holding on to her family who hurt her. She wont let go. She Keeps on entertaininG them Whats so hard on Dumping all of them anyways She is so oathetic and weak and stupid with No common sense
RiDiculous, frustrating, stupid FL. 1.5/10 rating. This story is about a stupid female lead. Got fired bec of a rumor, though she just want to move on, she did not even clear her name. She just accepts what people tHrows at her. Duh ur mom suicide bec ur father committed *****ery. What filial piety? Thats a stupid concept used by Old mean people who wants to leech off the young generation.U cant expect ur son or daughter to be nice to u when u dOnt do the same. If that was me, i wouod have Cut my ties to that father of a scumbag when my mom died. She was so stupid to keep on expecting something fRom her trash family. U Get hUrt bec u wont let go of the Toxic people That torture u. U dont deserve it but u dont want to moVe on from it. Which makes u stupid. So all in all this is not a good read, so frustrating and depressing it makes me want to knock some common sense to the female lead. LIve ur life and stOp being bitter.
All of the characters inCluding the ML and FL are all disappointing. mL was so dumb to even help the family of The FL. HIs brain must have suffered in the accident as well. The FL Left as a loser and return as a loser as well. Pawned her mom’s violin. She Depends on the income of the livestreaming of her daughter. A toral failure in all aspects of life. At least the antagonist are doing a very good job at pIssing oFf readers. This novel is so overrated
One of the Worst overrated novels ever read I decided to give it a try seinf the good d feedbacks but ended up being highly disappointed The FL left for 5 yrs as a loser. I do not know but it seem nothing happen after 5 yrs considering that she is still a loser when she came back? I mean come on, u totAlly ruin the PhRase “retreat to move forward”. She did not amass wealth, she is still in poverty, and was merely relying on her Daughter’s livestreaming to feed them. Im not against people doing livestream for money but ur talking about a 4 yr old girl. And in my opinion, showcasing ur 4yr old daughter like that is not advisable. Internet can ruin lives easily. U expose ur child so early. Proves that she is so much of a failure in all aspeCts of life. Not to mention she is doing stunt doubles even after such a long time. She doEsnt seem to finish schooling. So everYthing that happen to her was all her doing. She had chosen to rely and put all her hopes on her bf. He is not even her wife yet at that time. Her mom left her with a Sum of money but chosen to give to her bf rather than go to schoOling or something. This is one of the worse female leads. Not worthy of being a female lead. She even pawned her mom’s precious violin. Im not sentimental but that move is so insenSitive. She should have stayed abroad and never come back. She can’t afford it seeing her brains are only capable of such small menial things. Sha barely performs well in the parent department. Overall this is a failure novel.
The FL is the biggest failure of all FL. Ning Shuqian, who is the cause of her moms death did not even perish by her own hand. She is all talk, indecisive, and weak. If she is strong she wiuld have delivered the finishing blow long back. What a dumb FL. What did she accomplish aside from f*cking the ML? Even the ML seem like cannon Fodder. The characters are poorly developed. Everything regressed, including characters, story, and plot. This is the worst rebirth novel. This novel is a huge disappointment. She has not achieve her revenge at all. Even at chapter 1800+ Xie Ruya is still alive and blocking her. How i wish the FL just perish again so as to end this Ridiculous story. Good thing i did not sPend a cent on this.
When u reach chapter 1600++ u will change ur mInd. Xiniya is 23 yrs old already by that time and still she is incapable of beating Cia Ruya and Ning Shuqian. Even with the advantage of knowing the future, she is still and underdog. She lets those scums get away and come back stronger. The title is not suited. She is not Viscious. Even if she git popular and well known, the fact of the matter is she was killed in the past roughly 5 years after returning to the Wen family. It has been 8 hrs and still those who killed her have been prancing around. The novel is such a disappointment. The author can’t adopt a new arc or plot hence he kept the story revolving on the same cHaracters thereby using all schemes and events continuously
I stopped reading when the male lead showed hypocrisy. He once said to Xiniya not to go south in her revenge and stay true to her morals. When she gOt hellbent on revenge, she already disregarded her morals. Revenge has never been good. And this coming from a man who kills and kNows the ins and out of the underworld, its too brazen and disgusting. Added to hin being a pedophile and a maniac. Its weird for a person to soeak of morality whose hands have been dyed heavily with blood. The male lead sure can die horribly As retribution and karma for all his sins.
TrUe. I stopped reading.
Stopped at chapter 900 The plot was just recycled Highschool life was diffiCult for with Xie Ruya. Then in college again they are in same school where the usual cliche and plots of Xie Ruya with her minions destroYing the FL reputation through slander. I guess most nOvels limit is 1000 chaps and they’ll run out of plots to use and ends up recycling. It did worse also when the FL is so indecisive and muddle headed. She is too merciful allowing Ning Shuqian and Xie RuYa to get away all the time. She is only amassing hate and enemies. She was killed by them Before so why doubt to strike a final blow. As they say cut the roots so that it wont grow further. I expected a lot from this story as i thought it has a strong FL. Turned out it was one of the worse. Instead of progressive character development , it became regressive. I did not like the fact also that she lead on Xu Zhenyu. She clearly knew the guy likes her. Eventhough the guy did not confess or reVeal anything to her, she shouLd just have stirred clear away from him if she does not plan to reciprocate. She owe the guy so much as he was the only one who did nOt abandon her. He was even the one who took her corpse in the morge as no one wants claim her body. She was the one who caused him to go to jail in the first place. She had control and she should gave just chosen to not be acquainted in him. She is too wicked. Her rebirth has become fruitless as she hurt the peRson she owed the most. All she did was flirt abd forNicate its so disgusting.
Weird story Interesting at first. chaps 88 plus turned put ridiculous. The seemingly smart FL turned stupid They have just discussed not to Alert the double that they suspect him, but that exactly what she did a Few hrs later. Its really quite easy to see, Nan cheng dealt heavy blws with severe bleeding, obviously he wont look unscathed no matter how miracle dr cures him in a span of 2 days Too rIdiculuos.. And FL in her past life was disguised as a man and knows how to fIght and hold Guns Right? what suddenly happen, she became a damsel in distress all of a sudden. What happen to Bai Qi the original character?