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Ahh!!! Honestly, why couldn’t my teacher explain it like this. Honestly, I took me 1 hours at school to understand this, while here it took 5 mins
With Religion, Alex is going to ascend like Jesus through history right. Should Alex fake a few of his children’s deaths and have them develop their own independent family lineage far away. (Not talking about branch families, going totally secret here). Let’s be honest, people (powerful people) are going to want to kill his family to extinction. Be it family infighting, religious wars, usurper/fake family members, or their own Gaia church. Let’s be honest, with all that power and wealth, bad/ corrupt decedents will appear, in order to safe guard their religion power,/ reputation they might decide to “nobly kill” Alex’s family in order to protect their power. OMG DOES ALEX have a family name? Go with Pendragon!
Dude, I love how clearly detailed your description is. 👌
Hey now that lady Parthia is part of the council,(Alex’s inner circle) will Alex encourage her to wear a suit ( or pants) like Cam? Or did Cam just wear pants. Just to state here, I believe it’s very reasonable for Cam to be in a suit instead of a dress in order to be taken seriously. Because she’s head of the Police, and Alex’s inner circle. Maybe women in suits can demonstrate Women in real power instead of being a decoration. Kind want a verification if Cam’s suit was only a one time thing or not. Please let me know.
Parthia, Nanazin, Inayah and Seelima. Parthia, honestly she’s scary, she’s a necessity but it won’t happen. She won’t be able to face her daughter after her relationship with Alex is expose. And just imagin if her husband wakes up, the back stab is too scary. Nanazin, well, I kinda want a daily life chapter with her and her daughters. Inayah, I get the feeling she’s all about business. No love, but she’s so pitiful. Poor girl. Seelima, impossible. Alex is afraid of being killed by her.
Hey so you know that the Great library of Alexandria (like Alex’s daughter right?) was burned down right. Like sending technology and knowledge back for hundreds of years, right. So is the reason why Alex wants 10 copies of every book to build multiple libraries in different cities? Can you address this, it would be a tragedy if a fire burnt everything down
Modern, and roman architecture to match the roman aqueducts and arches.
Ahhh the house! His house!!! Author-sama! You stated that most noble houses look the same, Alex can have modern architecture as a new cultural significance.
Ah I remember that Alex was thinking of creating an Arena/ colosseum, you should add a Museum. Alex’s adventures, souvenirs, paintings, sculptures, and etc. with his EGO, he’ll do it. Maybe the building can be a modern architectural building, made from Concrete, and bricks. My college library is built like that and it’s beautiful.
For the concrete school, roads and etc. Alex should add a Logo. Saying I built this.