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Big fan of the new looks, giving Major Ra or maybe even Suryu vibes? That's actually interesting, will he run across any other Pantheons? Maybe even touch on their power systems? I know the man would love to check out Norse Dwarven artifacts or Elven Magic.
I think the difference is that Nature WANTED to help him in both instances. The nature spirits of the XMansion hated what Charles did to Alex so they turned themselves into his Ring, Natures Wrath. They didn't "die" perse, but they left. And in this instance, they were just as enraged as Alex was, and willing took the hits to defend him. Plus they got a sweet new pad out of it.
A human sized condom.... Genius.
Are you familiar with the term "run-on sentence?"
Alright imma get this out on the floor. I have a 10yo, autistic brother named James, so if you do something to this kid, I'm going to- idk probably cry or smthn. Just hits close to home.
Love the chap. My favourite MCs are the petty ones, robbing the mansion is a hoot.
They do when I get my hands on them...
Haircut. you all know a leather jacket and jeans look like.
Sorry bro, I don't know how to art. The best I can do ya is a photo collage.
Google "Akatani Mikumo", he's Deku's beta design. at this point, it's basically just Izuku but with darker hair and a fringe.