of reading
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while that could work in theory we can also tell it's intricately connected to the rest of Hogwarts (room of hidden things) so with this we can easily say that the room of requirement is a lot more complex than we give it credit for granted you may be onto the beginning parts but what you described would probably be a downgrade of the original in comparison
i mean i have a bit of a crush on yandere types soooooo
*immediately hones in on gaunt* ooooooooh that explains a lot
Alright here's my second Ted talk in this book, so usually there are two types of magic casting through fiction, intent and calculations. Harry Potter has a mixture of both but it is very much heavily based on intent, as compared to say humans magic from dxd or most mage craft from type moon which is heavily calculations based with a sprinkle of intent. But going back to the original topic the reason the killing curse did not kill that goblin is simply because he used his intent to make it not do any damage. Charms is heavily based on intent same with dark magic. Arithmancy and potions is heavy on calculation however. And transfiguration is a perfect mixture of the two as it requires calculations like the weight and mass of the object, and to have a clear image of it turning into that object.
that does beg the question how does the spell work exactly? does it get reformed akin to how you remember it? no that wouldn't be the case as there have been multiple cases of someone using reparo without having known what the object looked like. so again how? is it some sort of magical signature? no that wouldn't make sense it would fade away due to time. so we know it's not memory or magical signature. realistically there are multiple ways it could work but I'm gonna go with my theory. so we know time magic does in fact exist with the time turners and the like so what if reparo is simply a spell that reversed the time of that object to where it was meant to be
*shivers in perfume*
wait I thought Kara didn't know that haruka was Kamen rider
E.N.D. that you?