fking bored
of reading
Read books
I see thank you
Where did you get the specific numbers for the multiplier if I may ask not the x5 of nick but the basic one
Firstly starting your inquiry with an insult just means you have nowhere near enough intelligence or eloquence to converse with me
Let everybody awaken all those old and young monster otherwise it wouldn’t be any fun for sylas
Bro this twist is so amazing really great work author
I understand that people have a habit of always imagining the worst possibilities but don’t let your life be ruled by statistics and fear better to experience every side of the coin so you may find the real truth and not what the media and the affluent want you to believe
It is logical to assume that people that escape from wars want peace and stability now I agree that a lot of things in Germany need to be fixed but I find the generalization of a whole race inherently stupid and just because migrants get mentioned people immediately start blaming religions left and right even though any person that in anyway or form has actually learned anything about scriptures from these religions would understand that religion and acts of terrorism in such a form can never go hand in hand all of this disparity in peoples thinking is only made by the absurdly wealthy to segregate us more so we don’t notice how we’re getting fked left and right
Really? I thought that was a German word so it seemed out of place
Happy birthday 🎉