

2019-12-10 JoinedUnited States

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  • jturtle2
    Replied to Shivanshu


    Around the same time as his arrival in the Hanging Gardens, Vahn's main body was making his daily rounds back in Avalon. Azathoth didn't seem to get particularly lonely, but, if he didn't spend time with Tiamat, the latter might actually come looking for him. This could quickly turn into a dangerous situation, as, despite lacking the desire to harm others, Tiamata's 'curiosity' endangered herself and others.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2
    Replied to dephunkt

    Yah. You are right. I was just trying to keep things close to what was written, and it is often said that someone "edged out" in front of someone to win, etc.

    Vahn hadn't appreciated Solon's words in the slightest but, as it was true he had provoked the rather petulant Magus, he decided to just ignore the biting remarks. When he saw the latter wince in pain after stepping onto the platform, this was the only real vindication he needed as, at least for the time being, he had no intention of exposing all his cards before the two powerful Magi. It was very possible that he could defeat Solon, especially since the latter seemed to rely largely on powerful artifacts, but it would be next to impossible to egg out anything but a pyrrhic victory against Zelretch.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    "Penance Stare". One of Ghost Rider's greatest weapons...

    Since she wouldn't understand the reference, Vahn didn't bother to explain that the technique he used was effectively a modified version of the Izanami from the Record of Naruto. It forced Kazuya to experience a seemingly endless loop that would only end once he accepted that his actions were wrong and wholeheartedly resolved himself to repent. Until then, he would remain a prisoner within his own mind.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    I thought she was only 212 yrs old...

    Needless to say, Heng'e was both befuddled and tremendously relieved to learn that the daughter of her former Mistress was both alive and well. They even had a brief yet tearful reunion that caused Black Rabbit quite a bit of duress as she hadn't met anyone from the Moon Palace in more than 300 years. Heng'e's unexpected arrival ended up bringing back a lot of memories, so, while Lisanna and the others helped the former get situated, Vahn stayed with Black Rabbit to help ease her tensions...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    She reminds me of Eina in some ways.

    Returning a light hum, Vahn decided to stay put for a while as he enjoyed the feeling of Nono's soft thighs through the fabric of her dress. This prompted the auburn-haired beauty to gently caress his head, an affectionate and slightly amused smile on her face as she softly mused, "Or you can stay as long as you'd like...I'm not going anywhere..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    Can't sign in or register on Akasha site (tried logging in, it said I had the wron password/user name, so I tried registering). When I hit submit, all the data just disappears, and no indication that it was received, etc.

    Ch 2297 Rendezvous
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    Ella? DO you mean Elena?

    The next one that came out was Ella. The maid uniform that she chose was the one with the heart shape on the cleavage.
    Combat Maid Harem
    Fantasy · Daoist_Little_Yun
  • jturtle2

    Hey, I signed up for the libraryofakasha site, but never got the activation code mailed to my email address I used. Any idea of what is going on?

    Ch 2230 Persistence
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    Are you still using Patreon? Because while it is only $1/mo, I need to cancel the subscription if you are not. I am sorry your health has continued to be a problem.

    (A/N: Hey guys and gals, I just wanted to inform you about something that I and a few people on the Discord(Almost exclusively Hooshu) have been putting together. When I originally started out on Wenovel, I made a commitment to continue writing EPIC for upwards of three years in an effort to improve my writing quality and prove myself as an Author. That period officially ended around the 17th of September, but, as promised, I will never hide chapters of EPIC behind a paywall. With my finances and health dwindling to the point I'm actually losing money each month, I've decided to launch a website to host both EPIC and any future novels I write. It's still in the beta stages right now but you can still find chapters and updates that can't be found on webnovel. To that end, I'll be releasing between 4-5 chapters a day, Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, and Sun. Thursday is still my off day but you can expect at least one chapter per day on webnovel and at least one additional chapter on my website. In total, that amounts to 7 chapters a week on webnovel and between 25-31 chapters on my website. If you're interested, feel free to check out libraryofakasha.com. If you'd like to leave feedback or offer suggestions, feel free to stop by the discord using the links below. Thank you for your support these last three years and I look forward to continuing along this path with each and every one of you for the foreseeable future.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    Muscle memory?

    Other than his developing relationship with Da Vinci, everything else had become relatively 'routine', the only exceptions being when Vahn would go on a moonlit stroll or spend some quality time with one, or more, of the girls. He had even gone skinny dipping with Nobunaga and Fenrir in the middle of the night, a rather memorable experience in the seemingly endless stream of peaceful days. Even the moments where he was getting thrashed by Scáthach had become something Vahn had 'almost' completely adapted to. He had started to incorporate his [Rakshasa Body] transformations into his fighting style more often so, except when she used a particularly fierce blow, Vahn had been holding up much better than in the past. It was to the point that, even if she stabbed through his head with her spear, Vahn could now counterattack as if his body didn't actually require his brain to function...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    the former as TO the former was

    Restraining a chuckle, Vahn shifted his attention to the remaining representatives as Katana and her sister continued to pump up the crowd. He hadn't done very much research prior to the Gift Game, so, much like the crowd, he was just now learning who the representatives were. The inordinately handsome man acrros from Amaterasu was none other than Indra, one of the most powerful beings outside of the 1-3-Digit Gates. As for the red-haired man and the rather voracious-looking girl with white hair, the former as the Divine Realm's version of Shuten-dōji while the latter was the leader of Akuma, the 'Devilish' Community comprised almost entirely of former Heroes who had been invited to and exploited by the Little Garden.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    acrros TO across

    Restraining a chuckle, Vahn shifted his attention to the remaining representatives as Katana and her sister continued to pump up the crowd. He hadn't done very much research prior to the Gift Game, so, much like the crowd, he was just now learning who the representatives were. The inordinately handsome man acrros from Amaterasu was none other than Indra, one of the most powerful beings outside of the 1-3-Digit Gates. As for the red-haired man and the rather voracious-looking girl with white hair, the former as the Divine Realm's version of Shuten-dōji while the latter was the leader of Akuma, the 'Devilish' Community comprised almost entirely of former Heroes who had been invited to and exploited by the Little Garden.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    way TO wait

    Piggybacking her sister's words, Dagger held up her own mic, a seductive smile on her face as she answered, "I know I am. Vahn and his Sage Dragon's Hearth are well on their way to breaking the record for the fastest-promoted Community in the Little Garden's history. I can't way to see what the members of his Community have in store for their opponents."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    harmless TO harmlessly

    Though it didn't function in the exact same manner, the Angels from Dragon Ball were capable of using an ability remarkably similar to Laplace's Key, the Perfected Ultra Instinct. It allowed them to dodge virtually any and all attacks without the need for conscious thought. At the absolute pinnacle of mastery, they could even allow attacks to phase harmless through them, as, from the perspective of the world, there was nothing that could touch them.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2


    Vahn immediately nodded his head, a natural smile on his face as he confidently stated, "I cannot elevate you to godhood through my own but I can still help you reach the peak through your own efforts. Just make sure you're talking with the goddesses in the Manor before you decide that is the type of future you want for yourself. I'll be able to do something about the compulsion of Divinity at some point but eternal life isn't such an easy thing to tolerate with-" Tione had brought her hand up, placing it over Vahn's mouth as she said, "Just say yes, you idiot..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2
    Replied to Xerstoren

    In Greek there are 4 types of love: agape, storge. philos, and eros. Eros is what he has with his lovers. Storge is familial love like between mother and child, etc. Philos is "brotherly love" and refers to camaraderie, esprit de corps, etc. What he lacks is guys he has "philos" with; I think what he feels with Fafnir is more along the lines of "storge" (except it almost seems like "sibling" rather than "parent/child" despite the fact he literally "created" Fafnir...). Now you have some completely irrelevant trivia to ponder, lol

    With that thought in mind, Vahn was sitting on the third-floor balcony with Fafnir seated on a low stool in front of him. Since the flight would be rather long, Vahn was helping Fafnir groom its wings, both as a means to help it relax and to simply spend time together. Vahn knew that, because Fafnir and Khaos hadn't been 'female', his treatment towards them hadn't always been the best. There was just something about Fafnir being a giant dragon that gave Vahn confidence in having it deal with problems for him, contrary to how he felt 'protective' towards Fenrir. Now that Fafnir had the ability to take on a humanoid appearance, Vahn had grown closer to it, even if it was a little strange to have a True Dragon version of himself running around...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    That is sooo Gaaaanneeeeshaaaa!

    It didn't take long for the response to reach them, stating the Ganesha Familia's acceptance of Rufina as their responsibility. The moment he learned that Rufina was a Level 4 with an affinity for taming, Ganesha had been prepared to run the distance all the way from the Eastern side of the City to come and pick her up. It took the combined efforts of Shakti and several other Executives to catch him, tying him to a chair with several lumps on his head as they patiently awaited the arrival of their new member.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2
    Replied to jturtle2

    Wahoo! It is there on Engnovel.com!! I don't know if they listened to my earlier request/recommendation, or if you contacted them. Now I can do something I have wanted to do for 2 years -- privately properly edit this puppy! Ein, if you ever want to see your novel here in what would be close to if not in publication shape, let me know and I can email you samples (or the whole thing after awhile). Of course, with a couple thousand chapters, it is going to take awhile... BTW, changes won't be made on Engnovel.com; they don't allow editing. However, I can copy pasta very easily a whole chapter at a time, combine your "part 1 of 2" with "part 2/2", etc., and even separate volumes as you have them demarcated in your TOC. I was rereading the DanMachi arc (why I haven't been posting here); but now I guess I get to start over again. Oh well, only 400 chapters or so...

    Ch 2198 Testing the Waters
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2
    Replied to jturtle2


    With an adorably panicked expression on her face, Xysteria immediately retracted her inordinately long and sticky tongue before nuzzling her cur-covered head against Vahn's neck and lower jaw as she said, "Xysty be good..." in an assertive yet audibly anxious tone.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • jturtle2

    Have you ever thought about posting this on Engnovel.com? Their format is easy to read and page through -- though there aren't any chapter comments. Still, it has a good rep and a good readership base. You might want to look into it, and then post your original NOICE there as well.

    Ch 2198 Testing the Waters
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion