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First off a pacifist in a post apocalypse is not possible. Especially the type you have portrayed him as. He would have been dead before he reached his teenage years just from infighting or nefarious people. Either that or starved to death. No vegetation in your outerlands. Also just the concept of the grim reaper would mean that the power he took would have rejected and killed him because he is the complete antithesis of the grim reaper. it would be like matter and antimatter colliding. The rejection would be violent. The other things driving me nuts about him is the constant rhetoric from him about not liking blood, suffering and so on. Pretty much all that he says in most cases. Also something that the grim reaper is a big deal about. The grim reaper was the reaper of souls on the battle field, sowing death, blood and suffering before he took the souls with him to suffer more in hell. Your story does have great promise, and it is your story and not mine so my opinion doesn't really matter. But since you asked I figured I would state my feelings about it for you. Keep up the good work because this is only my personal opinion.
Story premise is great. Was looking forward to reading. MC is an absolute disappointment. If rewritten with a different MC I think the story would be a great one.