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  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago

    Im already upto chapter 293 & yes although got a while till book ends .. Even so , i feel that its a bit slow for me .. DONT get me wrong i like the face slap and revenge , but story for me is to slow .. I dont wanna skip any chapters incase i miss something , but yeah its just NOT giving me any interest in it ..

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago

    So in the end she died or is there a part 2 to this novel !? I feel that its NOT completed , like why go thru ALL that trouble only to die .. I need to know if he saved her , if they got re married ..

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago

    Im upto Chap 158 , the story so far is good , but the thing thats making me NOT wanna read it , is the mistranslation .. I understand it , but it tends to throw me off .. I really DONT wanna give this novel up , but i cant read with him / her for him / her .. Sorry but if or when author changes it , i DONT think i will read further ..

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago
    Replied to yellow_grapes

    Im upto Chap 158 & althou i DONT wanna give up this novel , i just cant read when the translation is misprinted .. It tends to give me a headache lol .. Can the author change it !? If NOT then sorry looks like i will have to give up ..

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago

    Im upto chap 59 and what annoys me is the FL name change , like theres 2 names for her joeeees and jossi , it just puts me off the novel .. Sorry but i cant keep on reading it like that .. Unless it stops at a certain chapter !? Can someone tell me where lol ..

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago

    Im only up to chapter 211 & so far its okay , but kind of slow for me .. Its not getting me hooked , hooked you know what i mean .. Ive come across some novels that keeps me glued to it & never put it down , but this 1 , yeah makes me read other novels , which i dont like doing lol .. But in saying so i like it , just am not addicted to it ..

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago

    Ive got 864 chapters left to read & so far this novel is doing my head in at times .. I like that when the FL fights & faceslaps peeps , but i feel like the storyline is dragging .. Like they are NO where near finding the cure to the ML poison .. I really DONT wanna drop this novel , but im like close 2 doing it .. Feels like they go 10 steps ahead , only 2 go back 10 steps .. He loves her , she loves him , but he has doubts .. I really dont know ..

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago

    Why isnt it finished , even thou it says completed .. Is there a part 2 but with a different title .. Like c'mon does he wake up !? Or does it end like that , him being in a coma for life , i just DONT understand ..

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T2 years ago

    Im upto Chap 421 & how can they NOT know that its the ML's brother almost causing their deaths !? Theres just too much going on & NOT alot of solving .. As for FL and her Sister , like that shpuldve ended ages ago .. FL seems powerful , yet why hold back with the revenge !? Its like she likes her sister to keep pestering her .. I thought this would be 1 of those bad ass reborn karma get revenge type of novel , but its giving me "going back and forth"

  • Kirz_T
    Kirz_T3 years ago

    Im upto chapter 188 and quite frankly its a bit slow for me .. DONT get me wrong i like the FL and ALL her undercover achievements , but i feel the story is dragging on bit too long .. What happened 5 years with ALL the "couples" who ALL have a misunderstanding lol .. Like why is it taking so long to find out what happened between the FL and ML on how she got pregnant .. Same thing with Mr Smith and Miss Tanya , when are they gonna find out that Tanya is the mother to his daughter .. You get so close , then their storyline gets drag'd on like 10 or so chapters later .. I only like the face slap that happens in this novel thusfar .. I wanna keep reading this novel , but feel that im gonna be disapointed ..