

2019-11-07 JoinedGlobal

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  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    I wonder if she just drugged him so she didn't have to sleep with him

    "Funny thing is all I remember was drinking with her at the club before I blanked out and woke up in my bed,"
    Greatest Of All Legends
    Sports · Sphire1707
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992
    Replied to Sphire1707

    innit is literally a British only thing.

    "Naaahhhhh, it can't be what I'm thinking, innit?" Jason turned back to Adele with a stupendous look on her face.
    Greatest Of All Legends
    Sports · Sphire1707
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    No way his serum is already on sale... it takes years for medical products, especially medicines to get through testing to be allowed to be sold

    "Yeah. Once they figure out you created this, they will possibly show up at your door. Nothing I can do about that. Eventually, your name will get out there. It already is with the serum you made to help injuries. That has been flying off the shelves, by the way. Mainly the government, but hospitals are buying more and more to keep on their ER trauma carts and ambulances. I could only guess the riots that would happen when this comes out. Probably more so than my Ironman suit. Jesus kid." Tony says while shaking his head.
    Marvels SuperMutant
    Movies · shawn_anderson
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    This could be 3 different people. Claire blackthorne, Iris, or Zinia.

    [Dragon_Queen666: @FreeThePokemon, fuck off hippie!]
    Livestreaming My Pokemon Journey!
    Anime & Comics · President_Poverty
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992
    Replied to TimHQ

    Overpopulation? its already a problem imagine how bad it would be if people didn't doe of old age. there would need to be birth restrictions like Chinas 1 child policy

    "Yeah, not going to happen. None of this is getting out to the public. We can have a facility with top security, but not one of these machines will be out of our sight. We can make a few thousand incubators, and they will be used in one facility only. I do not want this out with someone else working on it to create immortality or some shit like that. Thinking a little harder, you could technically clone someone with this as well. Not. Going. To. Happen." I stated very firmly. "We can and will charge very little, though. I do not want to keep this from the people. With the Stark name, the government won't be a huge problem either."
    Marvels SuperMutant
    Movies · shawn_anderson
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    If everybody was a superhuman then nobody would be. it would be normal not super.

    I tried coming up with solutions and serums that could heal on the spot, but that was a huge bust. Not only would it put hospitals out of commission, as everyone could just run to the store and purchase this. It was just an unviable idea. Unless you are Wolverine or Sabertooth, with immense regenerative abilities, every other serum created gives you abilities while giving you regeneration. I had to scratch that idea as I did not want the world to be overrun by superhumans. All hell would break loose then.
    Marvels SuperMutant
    Movies · shawn_anderson
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    Why would the terrans help? they have literally no need to. Naboo is a republic world and the Republic is already sending a fleet to help.....

    Ch 60 Chapter 58
    Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn
    Others · Dr_Dred
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    I really don't like the idea of him being under pleagius....

    Ch 18 Sudden Commission
    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    that's dumb. whys she doing that in front of the crowd. now everyone knows the station is owned by his empire and will be more careful there.

    "I have defeated the enemy Master" Said Yrena as she bowed to Alexander who now had all of the eyes on him
    Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn
    Others · Dr_Dred
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    He doesn't want people to know he owns it so he shows up to it in the most conspicuous way possible?

    The Galaxy doesn't know that Olympus station is controlled by him yet and he wants to keep it that way so he will arrive in his new Capital Ship named the Eternal.
    Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn
    Others · Dr_Dred
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    it seems like the population is growing in hundreds by the day. he could get the first 100 warriors trained up, and make them a mercenary company like the true mandalorians were to get the resources to pay for more warriors to be trained. there's only 13 years until the clone wars and it takes 5 years for them to grow and you definitely can't grow all of them at once

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    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    Endor galaxy?

    The two came in front of Tang Xiao and hesitated for a while until Tang Xiao motioned them to sit down, and they sat down in front of Tang Xiao with some restraint. Kunto said very carefully: "Dear sirs, I don't know your origins, and I won't investigate. But what I want to say is that we have come to the Endor Galaxy this time because we have a mission. Now that the time is almost up, can you let us go back with a high hand?"
    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    A year seems like a long time for something they have the complete specs on. there's only 13 years until the clone wars he can't exactly waste too much time

    "It's hard to say about the Wraith Fighter. Although the data is complete, it will take a year to analyze it to the extent that we can use it and produce it. It would be great if there are experts at the master level to lead my team. With more and better talents joining, our research progress will be greatly improved." Feng Yongwang said.
    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    Bad idea tbh. if the planet he's in isn't in Republic space there really isn't anything the Republic can do about them being there. just ignore them honestly.

    Tang Xiao looked at the busy people in the bridge command center, and said to himself: "If it was the Republic period... because there is still a parliament before our strength develops, we need a person to go to the parliament to issue our orders. voice, maybe more help can be enlisted... yes... I need a politician..."
    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    13 years before the clone wars 16 before the empire.

    April 15, 25018, Republic Era, 35BBY, 0:4:15 {Note 1}. Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, is also the most developed and prosperous planet in the entire Galaxy.
    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    Oh. I waa hoping he'd be in a random planet in the unknown regions or wild space so he has a chance to grow a bunch before he gets in contact with whatever government is in charge

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    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992
    Replied to abel84842

    The appraiser called him. they work in a place where tons of luxury and rich peoples shit goes through every day it makes sense to have good people like that as contacts

    "It's not scripted, I checked Wikipedia, that Benjamin Taylor guy is a famous archaeologist from Libertopia and the president of the World Ancient Culture Research Association. Such a big shot would not play along with a live streamer's act."
    Live Stream Treasure Hunt: I Made Profits Million Times Over
    Urban · Red_Skin_Duck
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    Why can't novels.just use regular currency.....

    "Millions of StellarCoins! That's almost ten million in DragonCoins or SmartCoins, streamer, place a bid now!"
    Live Stream Treasure Hunt: I Made Profits Million Times Over
    Urban · Red_Skin_Duck
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    Its really irritating me that he.keeps calling the death star a star destroyer. it wouldn't bother me as much if star destroyers weren't already a thing

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito
  • Andrew_Edwards_8992

    Why not just Dawn? whys it gotta be planet dawn

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Fourth Scourge of Star Wars
    Movies · Sean_Morabito