


Got addicted to fanfics and now I'm here, 'couse an author transferred here..... seems cool, but the ratings can be such bull

2019-11-02 JoinedFinland

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  • Pingviini

    Seriously? Again with stolen works? Written by Karmatic Wizard in FF.net Original Story: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14286868/1/A-New-Sun

    This book has been deleted.
  • Pingviini

    Stolen work of the real Musashi-chan on QQ Original: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/selling-drugs-in-the-dungeon-should-be-a-profitable-business-no-rewrite.22925/

    This book has been deleted.
  • Pingviini
    Replied to Uriel_Ventris

    Doesn't matter necessarily, adult women might just see him as a kid regardless, unless they are more "open minded" or have certain tastes Otherwise, might just become Ultimate Spider-Man and Black Cat situation... though witnessing a woman vomiting when they discover his age might be little hilarious :D

    And also I'm very young, this will give most adult women a pause. Too many things to lose.
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
  • Pingviini

    Plagiarism. A near direct copy of the story Celestial Beast of Tech, written by king carlos in Fanfiction.net https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14125200/1/Celestial-Beast-of-Tech

    Fourth Calamity of the Beasts Pirates
    Anime & Comics · BlackGoku222
  • Pingviini

    Like X-Men 2 Jean and/or Wolverine and the X-Men series Jean?

    Jean had kept her red hair color, but left it very short, something she always wanted to do in real life, but never had the courage.
    Movies · NunuXD
  • Pingviini

    Aaahaha, I'm cracking up :'D

    You bastard!
    The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Pingviini

    Gonna have to disagree. Prefer brunettes over blondies

    Her current appearance looks even more beautiful than when she was in her Chisato Hasegawa form.
    The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Pingviini
    [Why does it look like I'm being conquered by the heroine and not the other way around? This is wrong!]
    The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Pingviini
    Replied to Degenerate_Panda

    "You are Bad Guy, but this does not mean you are bad guy..." ― Zangief "I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me." ― The Bad Guy Affirmation

    In the end he gritted his teeth and accepted Amaterasu's request to work for her for one month. He couldn't take back his words that he was a responsible man and had a heart as wide as the sky.
    The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Pingviini

    Imagine being a living being, live your whole life through, then die and get your soul sucked by another being. Then its not even absorbed to strengthen them. . . . You soul is used to buy a fu**ing tank top.

    His blonde hair, blue eyes, and built body were equally a sight to see. Too bad he was dwarfed by the giant next to him. As for Seraphine she was also working with them and was wearing a tank top that Adrian gave her from the system that gave it to him for 1 soul.
    Dark Soul System(DxD)
    Anime & Comics · BlackSwordman1234
  • Pingviini

    Its actually rather surprising the amount of people who think this way, "I have to be someone worthy of her to be with her" or if there isn't someone specific, thoughts like "I have to be better to be worthy of someones love, no one would be with me as I am now". I have experienced the latter thought myself. Its actually a common fear/thought of those whose self-confidence and trust in themselves has been crushed. They don't think they are good enough, because they got that impression from everyone around them, someone said that to them or from experiences of failure. The only reason we would say it doesn't matter at this situation to the MC, is because we know better, we know the kind of person Tohru is. But to someone unfamiliar with her deeper thoughts, suddenly being contact with her, would they have the confidence and bravery to seek a relationship with a hot girl like her? Or would they think "someone so beautiful and capable like her would realize her mistake at some point in the relationship and leave me... I don't want that pain...."

    Only when he thought that he had some resemblance of being worthy of her affection, only then he would start to change their relationship. He was obviously interested in her and it was just not about her being beautiful.
    My Unconventional Delivery System!
    Anime & Comics · Charlottes
  • Pingviini

    Kinda sad and twisted to think about like this: from their perspective, its a cute and heartwarming love story about best friends finally realizing their feelings for each other when one of them entered a relationship, then end up together thinking all is right in the world From the other person's perspective, you thought you found someone to love and who loved you back, but soon got a broken heart. Hurts like a mf for being the "wake up call" to a basically couple in all but name...

    Because apparently, the "Feeling" was not just there anymore. That, or because Igarashi's ex-girlfriend had a boy best friend who immediately became her new boyfriend shortly after their breakup.
    Genshin Impact: The Mangaka System
    Video Games · Unusual_Hilichurl
  • Pingviini

    DUDE! When people start reading A:TLA... then Genshin MC shows up first wielding just Wind and then begin learning to use all the other elements... everyones gonna freak out

    Igarashi smiled again and secretly thought: 'This will do it... In addition, I should add Avatar: The last air bender too...'
    Genshin Impact: The Mangaka System
    Video Games · Unusual_Hilichurl
  • Pingviini

    Here in Finland its not really a big matter. You can tip and its polite, especially if the server themselves were good. But its not a expected.

    I thought about giving him a good tip, but I think I remember that in Japan it is frowned upon to tip, then I will donate money to improve this restaurant, the only thing that I do not lack is money.
    Even if I am an Ugly Bastard I want to be a good person (English)
    Anime & Comics · Bukaro
  • Pingviini

    Hmmmm, this is hard. The first manga I read was Dragon Ball, the first one to get me addicted to it's story was Karin (Chibi Vampire), but The One that pulled me in, gave me chills and thrills, made me desperate to know what happens next and learn the foreshadowed secrets.... Pandora Hearts

    [Description]:[Do you still remember the first manga that gave you chills and thrills? That feeling that you feel like you're in the story itself.]
    Genshin Impact: The Mangaka System
    Video Games · Unusual_Hilichurl
  • Pingviini

    Now this guy has his priorities in order! Not fantasizing about forming a harem and pervy thoughts on his neighbor. Just dreaming about better living conditions and a nice quality bed for good night's rest.

    He then looked at the room he was in and sighed. "*Sigh* I swear that if I have enough Mora, I'll buy an extremely comfortable bed..."
    Genshin Impact: The Mangaka System
    Video Games · Unusual_Hilichurl
  • Pingviini

    Quite a lot of small mistakes written, though I can forgive that, many authors don't have a translator for their work other than Google, DeepL and the like. The pacing goes quite fast. Characters start acting OoC by chapter 15 or when MC is trying to seduce them. Their thoughts seem to even make excuses for why they are acting this way. Way too many crass MC thoughts about his pants tightening up when just thinking about the women. Yeah, there is perv MCs, but still, too many times. Dropped

    Become a Mangaka in Genshin Impact
    Video Games · DogLickerGods
  • Pingviini

    Author... you're losing me

    "Oh? Are you seducing me?" Jean smiled seductively at Ren who was walking beside her. She was actually having a great time today in his bookstore. It felt like she was on vacation and enjoying a lot of new things in her life.
    Become a Mangaka in Genshin Impact
    Video Games · DogLickerGods
  • Pingviini

    How about writing a semi-sequel? Don't all of the characters have deep background stories that aren't explored in the anime for example? Maybe write like Lost Chapters sort of continuation that has the Kanade Otonashi reincarnation and meeting tacked on the end? This way the readers get more insight to the characters they know, appreciate them more and get a satisfactory ending

    Jean currently felt like complaining to Ren, for making the ending "Angel Beats" like that. But he knew such an action was a bit unreasonable. After all, manga is just fiction.
    Become a Mangaka in Genshin Impact
    Video Games · DogLickerGods
  • Pingviini


    A lecherous grin appeared on his face at the thought. "I might have to try inviting them to the pool later."
    Become a Mangaka in Genshin Impact
    Video Games · DogLickerGods