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A Mikaelson Diaries. - TVD/TO/TW/Underworld/Twilight AU!

Millenia ago in the european continent, know at the time as the Old World, where once upon a time, Esther Ravenborn, a woman of untold mysteries, who was rumored to delve into the dark arts of witchcraft, and Mikael Thorvaldson, the Destroyer, a warrior whose might and sagas reached far and beyond, made their abode. For a time, the unlikely couple was happy, the witch settling down on her craft, content to being a wife and a future mother, as her already swollen belly promised her. Oh, how happy she would get just by remembering the smile on her husband face when gave him the news. Who was it to say that a man who could kill with such ease as one would breathe couldn't smile as wide as he did? But then, tragedy struck, when three months later, on the beginning of her pregnancy, she suffered a mysterious miscarriage, her baby taken from her before it could even feel air on its lungs. It wans't until her third miscarriage that she would face the cold and hard thruth, she couldn't have children. And, as she wailed for the loss of another child with screams so grutal and primal that even banshees would run in fear, the witch vowed to herself that nevermore would her family suffer like that again. Having abandoned her craft, and weak in body and mind after three lost children, the witch seeked help from her sister, Dahlia Ravenborn, the most powerful witch born to their clan in thousand of years, rumored to heve made a devil with the devil himself for her power. But alas, angered with her sister who had betrayed her and their ways to marry a viking nonetheless, Dahlia agreed to help, but there would be a cost, and, in a moment od desesperation, Esther Ravenborn made a deal with the devil, and, years later, she would suffer for it. Half a decade and two children after, the witch Esther lived her dreamlife, her promised to Dahlia completely forgotten. That was, until one fateful day, when death came knocking at her door. Mikael, who was away in a raid at the time, returned home a month after with spoils of war and sagas of glory, longing for the warmth of his beloved wife, only to find her desolated on the fireplace of their home. Freya Mikaelsdottir was dead, taken by a mysterious plague that seemed to have suddenly overtaken their village, not even a body left for it was burned with the others to stop the plague from spreading. With the news, rage overtook the warrior. Tired of this cruel world who always seemed to take his children from him. But more than that, he was afraid of losing anymore of his sons, as his wife was heavily pregnant with their third child. Calling upon the help of a family friend, Mikael and Esther would invite Ayanna, a foreigner to their lands who had stumbled upon their village but a year with her daughter, sharing a secret with Esther, as sisters in craft. Aware of what happened and fearing for her daughter as well, Ayanna agreed to help the couple and a few other villages who had also lost family to the plague, telling them of her homeland, and the histories of men blessed, or cursed, by nature. They never got sick, had the strenght of ten men and the speed akin to a shadow in the night. Desperate, they agreed, and the wheels of destiny began to turn. My name is Niklaus Mikaelson, and this is my story. ... SECOND BOOK IN MY DIARIES SERIES. Inspired by the shows: The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Teen Wolf, Underworld, Twilight and many more. Disclaimer: This fanfic will mainly focus on Klaus and the Mikaelson family. This is an AU, there will be changes. While this book will introduce new characters and even remodeled ones, the character's inspiration, plotlines, and the universe they are part of solely belong to their original creators. English is not my primary language, so I apologize for the grammatical errors that may or may not occur. The warning says restricted for a reason.

Fellow_Daiost · TV
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