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Giving sasuke character development and actual nuance is something I'm actually looking forward to, him leaving the village was a stupid move anyway, all that character development and his bond with naruto vanished, glad to see you are taking his character in a different direction.
I love this fic bro
This fic is the only one that I read to involve politics, it's a breath of fresh air. Fujin getting involved in politics would be interesting to read
very good. I liked it a lot and want more chapters
I like it. I want more chapters. it's like game of thrones and mushoku tensei, but better then both. it's got a female lead which is rare.
Good. more chaps
I have read most of the chapters(210) and I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed shutting of my brain cells and reading a historical story. However once you take a closer look at this story inconsistencies start to show up and ruin a pretty good story.Writing quality: The writing is consistent with close to no spelling mistakes however the author struggles with pronouns, Ex "Napolean and her sister." this mistake is actually very common among fics on webnovel with authors that have English as a 2nd or 3rd language, Just like we were thought in English class, the sister is napoleon's so the correct sentence should be "Napoleon and his sister." Apart from these minor inconsistencies I understood most of the story unlike Chinese translated fics.Story development: The story is bang average for a fic if maybe a bit poorly paced. The impactful and important moments last too short and the useless shit is ballooned too much. Giving the story an almost empty feeling like these should have been more.Something I think that every single author on this website has failed and will continue to fail is adding stakes and avoiding self insert. From the very first moment Napoleon exels at everything and accomplishes anything, his battles are truly boring and unsatisfying to read.At no point in the story has something truly dangerous happened to Napoleon, he wins every battle with ease. From a reader's view point we can always expect Napolean to win which not even his real counterpart has been able to do.Character design: I have to say very unoriginal, full of real people and not enough OCs. The main character has an artificial and forced goal, only doing what he does because he reincarnated in Napoleon's body. Overelient on his system for combat and knowledge where not a single thought of his is original copying for the real Napoleon(I know its easier to write as u can copy events word for word being afraid From deviation for our real word events and not having enough originally and writing skill to make up your own stuff)Now the female lead is truly a wonder of forced romance shoved down our throat being evident from the moment she was introduced talking using modern words and mannerisms that no woman from the 18th century would use and Napoleon being stupid enough to not realise what was happening.She becomes a soulless puppet doing Napoleon's dirty work for the sake of Napoleon(which by the way is the funniest shit I have ever real🤣🤣 A vtuber falling in love with a historical figure long gone described from the people of that time as disgusting)there are no more OCs to talk about and the real people are only made up of their surface level info that you find on the Internet. Very boring.Updating stability: The fic is updated every day. Very good.World background: Looking at the latest chapter titles, Napoleon is marching on London. I Honestly expected a cool Game of thrones scenario to happened between France and Great Britain with them being the main rivals and stopping Napoleon completely domination Europe. I truly enjoyed the Great Britain POV chapters with them trying to reverse engineer the weapons. I expected a cat and mouse dynamic where France would invent some cool tech and Great Britain being right behind and keeping up with France and giving Napolean some challenges. However seeing as Britain will lose, like every other opponent and create a scenario where no nation can challenge them. Very boring to he honest. I expected a cold war like play between two superpowers.This applies to every other nation as non are a challenge.Conclusion: Poor pacing with introducing revolutionary tech every few months that turns society upside down and it doesn't ever raise suspicion from any scientist. A cardboard, forced, puppet unoriginal Love interest. No Notable Original OCs the existing historical figures don't go beyond their weekipedia page. Killed the only rival nation which I had Great expectations on becoming a cold War like state, with no major spelling mistakes.A great story to close your brain to and enjoy an OP MC story where he never loses(even the real Napoleon lost and that is a real genius)