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2019-10-18 JoinedUnited States

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  • Curdos

    I would have thought to get more skeletons, if the mage is already so powerful. Also some centipedes to see what their capabilities are

    "This is great! With this skill, I can create an army strong enough to wipe out the Ghost Millipede nest!" Leon was very happy. "Come on, let's go kill a few more before we head back to rest." Leon waved at the others. They wiped out a few more groups of millipedes, and before long, Nedra had reached level fifty, while the skeleton mage was at level twenty five. The little Ghost Millipede had only reached level thirteen. Its speed of killing was quite slow.
    The Black Necromancer
    Fantasy · Nilo_A
  • Curdos
    Replied to BotwaCazador

    Ohhh okay, I was thinking bay because B”ay”ker

    Bai'Qui, aka Baker: Tai'Qui's Dragonling.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    So I assume Bai’Qui is pronounced like “Bay-Key” which throws a wrench in things since I always pronounced Tai’Qui like “Tie-Key”..this is a troubling revelation

    Bai'Qui, aka Baker: Tai'Qui's Dragonling.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    This makes me wonder if Nick might later take over/gain control of the Dregs through the gangs

    "The Peddlers might charge exorbitant prices and don't allow any competition, but they have the ability to get all these important goods to the Dregs. Without them, so many more people would die."
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Curdos
    Replied to Alauddin_Rosli

    Cant pass down their power? Are White cores sterile or something?

    "Also, those who cry are the weak ones. It's the quiet ones that the rest of Mogar must be afraid of." She pointed at Surtr and Retia who were treating the issue like it was perfectly normal. "Because if something happens, you don't want to be anywhere near him when he snaps."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Curdos

    Question: If something is stored *in the tower*, but the tower isn’t “placed” would they have to place the tower to retrieve it, or would he be able to get the Armor from the Spark through the dimensional pocket stuff?

    "My thoughts exactly." Solus nodded. "Just remember to retrieve your armor when you need it and that you're wearing normal clothes."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Curdos

    I love how excited/commited everyone is to getting in to help. You can truly tell all these characters care so much about each other. Fantastic writing

    Junie muttered a curse and stepped off, waving to Inferno's main tank as she disappeared in a column of flames.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    This part of the game is what I would likely enjoy the most. Being able to pretty much do whatever floats my boat, learn and grow whatever. Haven would be a dream to me. Not to mention all the cool magic stuff :P

    Wind laughed at the lame excuse but let her stay. Given the amount in ponds in the section that he settled in, the Gemini thief had immediately brought in water poultry. Everspire and Oasis had a wide variety of geese and ducks available at various livestock markets. A few hours spent in Ronnie's library was enough knowledge to get him started. In the following months, he had learned the rest of it with his own hands. The rice crops were started a few weeks after that. "Since when do you work hard?"
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    So passing the Planar Trials let you stand in the Sky kingdom, but I thought that completing the training with Vooni gave them their Archon wings? Or am I misunderstanding the wording here, is this not him achieving Archin status the first time?

    [Pon's bloodline has been activated, First Form: Flame Archon]
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos
    Replied to Aoki_Aku

    I just finished this book, it’s amazing. But this comment makes me wonder, how, if at all, would getting these contracted books published interfere with the Webnovel contract?

    [Enjoy your vacation, Administrator Cain.]
    Reincarnated With A Summoning System
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Curdos

    Makes me wonder a bit about the class system, more specifically the Oasis one. I know Nix’s class is Archon, and his path is essentially a Salamander Fire Mage, but for normal folks like Pon and Hyai, do they stay just “(Fire) Mage” and get Higher tiers/extra damage to their spells? Similarly, does the Gemini “tag” stick with Wind or Semmi when they upgrade their classes to an Oasis one? (Tier 4/5?) or IS the Gemini thief a Tier 4/5, I can’t recall

    Nix pushed all of them toward Hyai. "Learn them and head to the Gemini Training Yard to test them out."
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    Rereading the book has led me to question things I didn’t before, such as: Are the Breach Commanders in so much support of Nix due to the subclass/Job being so rare? They barely know him, if at all, and are saying things like “We will not let you lose your first battle” and “Anything you need”

    Mtui nodded in satisfaction, "right to the point, I like that. We will support you in this Nix, anything you need just ask."
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    I forget if it’s been implied or hinted at (In Aoki’s admittedly wonderful way) or even flat out said If the Creator pantheon is only the six(?) at the end of the other book, and the Spider goddess is someone else, or if the spider goddess is just another name of one of our lovely band of troublemakers? And if the Creators are actually them

    [Why do you think we're exiles? Because nobody else sees the benefits of building up all your friends.] A female voice spoke in Cain's mind.
    Reincarnated With A Summoning System
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Curdos
    Replied to BotwaCazador

    Perfect, thank you for taking the time to answer me :D

    Rhy cocked her head to one side, Nix had brought her into Inferno, she still wasn't use to the chatter. He had shown her how to silence it, but she found the interactions interesting.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos
    Replied to BotwaCazador

    So their face comes up and you hear them speaking? It’s like a big Skype or discord call?

    Rhy cocked her head to one side, Nix had brought her into Inferno, she still wasn't use to the chatter. He had shown her how to silence it, but she found the interactions interesting.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    I’ve read the book twice before, and i feel like I’ve commented this before but i still can’t tell if the Chat functions are voice chat or text chat on a hud, or is it both? Up to imagination?

    Rhy cocked her head to one side, Nix had brought her into Inferno, she still wasn't use to the chatter. He had shown her how to silence it, but she found the interactions interesting.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    The true names being the Actual names, or like the words “Laughing God” that they said already? Does Cain even know the God’s true names?

    "Don't speak their true names here. The Human Gods have put a taboo on them, and it will draw their attention. They are still holding a grudge over their failure to take a Mortal Realm world." She informed Cain.
    Reincarnated With A Summoning System
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Curdos

    I always wondered how Nix in his infinite noo ness knew what a Titan is..?

    "A Titan?" Nix thought back to the crying bald thing that Mortimer had been a few hours earlier. "Are you sure? Isn't he a bit small for a Titan?"
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador
  • Curdos

    Couldn’t she have gone all out in Nyx’s domain? Isn’t it kinda shaped to her desires and not necessarily “real”? Or at least able to be reformed really easily

    "My powers aren't really safe to play with like everyone else's so I almost never get to go all out! I'm excited to see just what I can do!"
    Blessed by Night
    Fantasy · AnathaShesha
  • Curdos

    Wasn’t Safarza the first place they saved?

    Both Nix and Jun Li nodded. Safarza was the only Broyan Kingdom against it, but thankfully under the rules of the Broyan alliance, only 4 out of 5 votes were required.
    Phoenix Phire
    Games · BotwaCazador