Random reader ####. Likes to read a bit of everything from VR to romance or fantasy.
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(Lenny face) *Remembers that incest is against WN guidelines* *inescrutable look*
Will this have 2 releases a day similar to TOS or only 1ch/day? TFTC.
The novel Overgeared, on Wuxiaworld. Definitely recommended 10/10. However you need to stand the MC until around ch120, after that the novel just becomes gradually better till the point of being a masterpiece.
Surviving Mars Space Projects go brrrrr
Damn. Lion got Isekai'd?
The nostalgia of HoM&M. Nothing like the good old days of HoMM 3 & 4. Sadly the game fell off after those 2 imo. V and VI were NOTHING compared to III and IV. I miss the days where I'd go Chaos and just spam Black Dragons FTW. Man those were OP.
Not really a fan of the progression at all. First started with HP canon in the future, and if it went from there while slowly explaining their past I'd have been fine with it. Then you went back to explain Erik's past. Alright I can accept it if you want to narrate Erik's story slowly along the years and make the HP part like a prologue/future. But now it seems that you're only skimming through things for the sake of it. Like Selena and Erik's relationship. It was just one "they're dating", then jumpcut and "they're engaged". And if my memory doesn't fail me they haven't had a single dialogue in this "past". IMO if what you want is just to explain how Erik and his wives met, etc, you should've just done it in flashbacks during the main story. As you did with Jeanne, rather than this. This is just making it seem as if it's a story when it's rather a recap of events.
We are not the same. You read this novel for fun. I read this novel to adopt Jack's grindset.