of reading
Read books
Also, ffs. Have Pomfrey call his grandmother, demand she quietly inform the Aurors, demand to submit his memory of Dumbledore trying to tamper with him and actually tampering with Pomfrey. Call the damn piece of shit out on it. I’m so sick of authors doing this and then doing nothing about it. You want an evil headmaster? Then fucking deal with it properly, not so pathetically.
Can we please do something normal in a fic for once and call his Grandmother? Like a responsible school should. Hell, Neville should demand it. I’m so sick of how stupid people make the characters and how pathetic they come across as.
I mean, could you make Neville less of a pathetic person please? Call them out on their crap. Not mentioning the Weasley twins, who have lost ridiculous amounts of points, most Gryffindors get caught so they’re hypocritical pieces of crap. And honestly, if I were Harry I’d tell Wood to pull his head out or they’d be down a Seeker.
Vulture hat, not crow
So like, what’s with using terms such as trapped people? Do you mean reincarnated?
Please, just do a brief description of movies. If I wanted to watch it, I’d watch it. Sorry and thank you ❤️
But couldn’t you have kept this up and started a rewrite as a new book? 🥺
So.. was this dropped?
Nah dude, I meant like check what you’d written. While it’s in the synopsis, it’s also needed to be put into the story to bring it all together and make the story make sense. Otherwise you think there’s a part missing and all that. Thank you though ☺️
Why bother with his memories of the past being sealed if he puts himself by talking aloud about future things he shouldn’t know that will appear in his memories?