

2019-09-17 JoinedUnited States

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  • Minarique

    The Immortal Asura Body is also quite extreme. I mean, it requires essence blood of powerful beasts and cultivators, and it even prefers the blood of the cultivators. Not only that, but if he didn’t have the other part of the inheritance (the holy side) to balance it out he would most definitely have gone insane by now. Sounds like an art so extreme it would be forbidden to me. Even if the Supreme Body Art is painful, So is the Immortal Asura Body Art at times.

    'Although this is only the first stage of the Supreme Battle Body, I can tell that the Immortal Asura Body is more profound. Not only is the Supreme Battle Body not as profound, but the methods required to cultivate it are quite extreme on the body. Only those who truly are body battle fanatics would be able to endure such a method. It seems like the Immortal Asura Body is at a far higher level than what is available in the Yuan Continent Holy Lands.'
    Ascension of the Immortal Asura
    Fantasy · rRandom
  • Minarique
    Replied to H_yele

    Ehh, it’s his sister’s life that was the blackmail though. Wasn’t it?

    June finally debuted. 
    From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show
    Fantasy · SandKastle
  • Minarique

    Ohh, wait a moment, green eyes. Near the eighth star peak. Maybe the one who escaped the teleportation formation with Xuan Hao.

    Not knowing what to do as all sorts of thoughts ran through her head, Chun Hua started panicking internally after discovering that someone was following her, her bright green eyes shone for a brief moment as she looked up into the air while pretending to look around for something.
    Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough
    Eastern · PurpleSpring
  • Minarique

    If Ceeran ever dies, I’ll riot. I love this character so much. He’s like Rui’s uncle now.

    "Because I believe with all my heart that you will not only reach it but go far beyond it," Master Ceeran smiled. "If you're going to dream about something, it should be far beyond something that is this trivial for the likes of you."
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Minarique

    Why did that make me laugh?!

    'Damn, statue boy is that valuable?'
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Minarique
    Replied to SMomoTempest

    Bows actually require quite a lot of strength, so unfortunately not ideal for Jenny. Whips are mostly mid-range, require a lot of training, and are not super practical in a life or death fight.

    Instead, she would stay outside any conflict and support with brutal attacks from a great range.
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Minarique
    Replied to Ananth_19

    When you’re that poor, meat is meat. It’s disgusting to us, but so is fly and rat. The only reason it feels wrong is ‘cause we hold dogs close to us emotionally.

    There was rat, cat, dog, fly, and bird, and they even had several different kinds of veggie cubes!
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Minarique
    Replied to Fut_Med

    Can a flying cockroach be possible? 😆

    'Physical and Possession Specters of the first level are not nearly powerful enough to fly without wings, which means that the Specter is most likely a winged creature of some sort.'
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Minarique
    Replied to Hunter1105

    Huh, can he tell when his power is being blocked? But even then, you could sneak attack him if he’s in a crowd of people. Just can’t when he’s on his own.

    In order for Nick's powers to activate, Wyntor also wasn't allowed to see him.
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Minarique
    Replied to Deadly_Healer

    It’s endearing. He finally has a job and really wants to do it right. Haha

    "You really don't have to," Nick added. "As the Chief Zephyx Extractor, this is my job, not yours."
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Minarique
    Replied to Jan_Felix_Fried

    Gung-ho means overly enthusiastic or energetic.

    In that sense, it was not surprising that the Martial Prince took the initiative to be the first to speak with Rui in person. Perhaps he was confident that he could bag Rui as a supporter because Rui was a Martial Senior and a young Martial Senior at that. He was probably under the impression that Rui would be much more gung-ho about it.
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Minarique
    Replied to Jan_Felix_Fried

    That’s what I thought too. Even Ruika would have been much better.

    "This is our daughter, Ruina," Alice smiled. "I decided to name her after you, you see."
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Minarique

    I don’t get it?

    Many people assumed it would help the husband understand the pain and sacrifices their wife went through birth to their children. However, a Japanese man once suffered depression after watching his wife giving birth. He could no longer live with his wife, and the two ended up divorcing.
    Midnight Bookstore
    Horror · Pure Little Dragon
  • Minarique

    Yeah, that would be very confusing. A man you murdered looking at you with relief and gratitude, I don’t know how I would react to that. Haha

    The man was startled. He saw an abnormal expression in Zhou Ze's eyes. It was joy, relief, and even a hint of gratitude.
    Midnight Bookstore
    Horror · Pure Little Dragon
  • Minarique
    Replied to Zyad137

    Yes, but I’m pretty sure that Islam is one of the most strict of the common religions. There are many who think even that to be too much for them. For myself, I believe it would be too demanding, I think I would get burnt out on the culture. (Though that may have more to do with my neurodivergence) And this is coming from a Lutheran (Christian Denomination) background. Now for Rui - an atheist - what he’s seeing really looks like a cult. It’s far too controlling for someone who values their freedom so highly. The fact they are using religion to do so (from his point of view) is even more disturbing.

    The town was truly beautiful, but the heavy religious inclinations of the people of the town creeped him out. It was one thing to believe in a God, it was another thing to center your entire life around such a belief.
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Minarique
    Replied to GrandMasterDoom

    It’s twisted and I’m not condoning it, but that certainly was bothering her. It was an accident, but as a virgin goddess having a man see her naked would be a massive insult. We all know olympians had tempers, so she overreacted. Again, still nasty, but eh, it also went against a core part of her identity which would be very bad for a god. (It’s kind of how they got worshipped after all) Also she was also the goddess of the wilds near civilization in a way (As a goddess of the hunt) and the wilds don’t like intruders. Wild animals are prone to attacking anything that startles them in their territory. I guess there could be some characterization there? Not trying to defend it, but there’s the possible character reasons. She flipped out, yes, but even the gods screw up like humans. Their screw ups just typically involve making living rather hard for humans… that’s part of the point of those stories to portray powerful humans as gods. This was way too long and it’s way too late, goodnight. Hope you have a good day!

    Especially the men.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Minarique

    I’m really not a huge fan of romance, but that was actually funny enough to make me not dislike the waifu banter for once.

    It was a lot less pleasant than last time.
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Minarique

    To be fair, he wasn’t aware of what he was doing to Seronin.

    She paused for a moment, before bursting out laughing. "You have the audacity to say that after what happened to him? Yet to think you're this strong at the age of twenty-one… Just how far will you go?"
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Minarique
    Replied to ArrogantSavant

    Could also explain even more why his body was having coordination issues with his brain when he was young. It wasn’t just a new unfamiliar body; it came with entirely different parameters too!

    ('Unless all humans here are stronger than their Earth counterparts and their perception of time is slower than that of the humans of Earth,') Rui mused.
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Minarique

    He didn’t like being left behind or seperated from his master. Cutie!

    Sunny had gained this bit of knowledge a while back, when his experiments with Shadow Step left the gloomy guy outside of the range of Shadow Control. The shadow had swiftly returned, acting even more petulant and moody than usual.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree