

2019-09-04 JoinedGlobal

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  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jr9 months ago

    yes hope u keep it going so far so good

  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jr9 months ago

    please keep this story going your other story was good to but I believe this one is better hope u don't drop it, there are just not enough gundam fan fics like this to bad there wasn't a real earth gundam fan fiction not nationality only ones but a one that is the Mc own thing

  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jra year ago

    not bad good story keep it up with updating it

  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jra year ago
    Replied to Michael_Spitzer_Jr

    let's assume out souls have locks like a bike lock ok and there 13 locks. little background in school I could sleep every day in class ok every day no problem I could remember everything the teacher said sleeping but when awake I failed every test when I studied. but when sleeping I could remember my thought is when sleeping the locks are turned off but still there and I sick at test I don't even like studying like when I try to do it I would fall asleep like something doesn't want me to learn hard to believe but it's ture not trying I only get sick 2 to 4 times a year no problems and no matter how I work out I don't gain anything like my body is sealed like a gene lock so my guess is people who are so smart have thoes locks open or broke so there bodies can't keep up with there mind only live to 40-60 years someone who has not undone any lock can live 65-120 aound far fetched bit not wrong there are still people alive today at 110

  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jra year ago
    Replied to Maximus1334

    think about earth is basically in a dead universe only planet technically with life but why do have all these legends of hods immortal giants aliens and how did it come from only reason is humans and earth has been reborn countless times so earth must be special since we have no extra abilities but our mind then our souls must be stonger then alot of races, I did alot of research, someone who is extremely smart doesn't live long someone who does learn only basic stuff life almost 120 so out bodies can't keep up with our souls so that means our souls are to strong that's what I believe and if we leave the earth something may happen but who knows I don't know anyone doing any research on it that's what I believe we all look down on our planet way to much I would say our planet is conscious.

  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jra year ago

    I'm slow on upload sorry I'll try to upload more but I work 10-11 hours a day and I'm trying to rebuild my excrusion and do my hot rod so I'll doo what I can sort if there's mistakes. but it's hard to find a story that people won't update Luke this one I won't be dropping it BTW thx if u read it

  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jra year ago

    more......more please very good I hope u don't have him migrate to cultivation world let him stay on earth. I believe alit of writers forget about earth but really the earth is a special planet.

  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jra year ago

    good story love it so far don't stop writing the book I support you keep up great work.

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  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jra year ago

    it's very good start of tge book but I have a question will he get powers in reality if so that's awesome

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  • Michael_Spitzer_Jr
    Michael_Spitzer_Jra year ago

    not bad overall hope to see more chapters I like that start of it