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Theres's a reason why its' there and not another wank yourself op mc fic. This review mentions the negatives without giving any context nor the positives of the story, making it seem worse than it really is. It's clearly a biased review of someone who didn't get what they expect(another opmc si)and whines about it. Well what can you expect from WN readers. *shrugs*I would say you should try reading any fiction by yourself first before getting influenced by views of other people. Then right there you can say it's trash with your own judgement and not let others do it for you.
A formidable move.
RIP Uryu you wont be missed.
I'm happy for this Rukia. Rukia in canon is a bit annoying. While the portrayal of Rukia here is very waifu material.
Good thing he went in the hitman business and not politics.
Frfr. still finding my soulmate... lol
Vahn: *wry smile*
I was thinking of My Ero Academia but yours works too.