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the stupid thing is supply lost in area of 3days march, by saying they need 1week or 2 for the supply to arrive. and why not copy paste alex battle on flat land, or similar. the enemy only need fewer time then what alex need on the same thing, like when the civil (around 6k) take Refugee at manor it take too much time while tibian 15k army are like water in and out the manor. this is one of the same case that hard for MC but easy for enemy.
p0rn. hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe
an overall good novel. you can add to library for some reading.
that name sound familiar
i think the author promote the de dollarize movement lead by brics by usaing yuan hehehe
how come it easy? where those item came? if mc not uae his godly talent then it seem impossible to have one on early stage.
the whole dungeon are wierd and like a copy of other story where whole group killed leave only MC to kill the boss. how he Collect the spell and not release them one by one are wierd. if he cast like normal spell then his teammate might nor all dead. the author want the story armor plot make MC the last and kill the boss like a force story and it kill the mood
lets see how author plot armor work.
if you looking for farm novel then skip this one. the title and the story are not sync
can wait till the end of free chp. DROP.