

2019-08-02 JoinedGlobal



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Breaking the Heavens

When Steve decided to level up, he didn't think it would happen inside of the firmament above the seven realms... He also didn't realize that every time he leveled up it would be at the peril of the heavens, and that billions of people would be affected by every monster he killed with each monster representing everything from small planets to entire universes and galaxies.... Yup, that level 3 slime represents a version of Earth in another dimension and if he kills it everything that lives on that version of Earth will die. He also didn't realize what people would do to keep him away from certain dungeons.... Five women or a hundred? Just about anything to manipulate him and keep him away from heading in certain directions.... If he heads east, he might kill that boss minitaur that represents their entire galaxy, and oh no.... what if he steals the legendary treasure in that chest at the end of the dungeon? All their universal essence from their galaxy will end up sitting by his crotch on his belt! To make matters worse... Any time someone tries to tell him about the destruction he is causing, he immediately forgets about it... Yup, every time he levels up, bllions of people will die and he'll never find out until he reaches level 100.... What can a entire world full of dimensional guilds, planetary factions, and armies do to stop Steve, and will they be able to? They are going to try... that's for sure... However, unfortunately, Steve is a video game addict that loves nothing more than destroying slimes, and stealing unearthly treasures.... Hopefully, when he reaches level 100, someone is there to be there to congratulate him....

ArticRhino · Games
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