My apologies, i seem to have ran out of 'Fucks' to give.
of reading
Read books
"simply don't read..." You do realize that I dropped the story as soon as I made a comment right?
Don't care about a new fanfic, i want to read more of this one lol
hummm... is that an app/phone thing? cuz im on PC and i don't see the comments unless i click to open them up.
It's funny, It has 2 stars, and is generally overall seen as a bad story, and yet somehow it's in the top 10 most popular TV based fan-fic's
Then what good is turning the comments off if you can still see them?
Well, now that's just playing up your criminal status. It's not a good thing to do if you'd like to shed that reputation.
He was only 30 when he died? How young... Now you've got me curious about how he died the first time. You don't just up and croak at 30.
Blocks in London must be absolutely massive. It takes me like 5 minutes to walk 2 blocks where i live.
Sally, another female name... wtf is up with this family?
Well that was a stupid mistake. He should have just changed his hair color back its original shade.