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Nice, get battered here and lose to Ugumori. It is the most logic result.
B is too low, i think it should at least be an A.
Everything was handed to him, Kevin de Bruyne Talent and all the System Attributes.
This sounds like some AI conversation, no one talks like that during a difficult game where they are fighting hard to turn around a defeat into victory.
He has B-Rank combat abilities, but his Nen isn’t B-Rank yet
It is the Academy Training Grounds
It doesn't matter much, I think it said that this debt is free of interest. So he can pay anytime without problems.
He just fumbled the bag x2 AYGSDYIUASHDSAJ
Yes, he is very unlucky. Personally, I think he is better overall than both Kanemaru and Higasa. And he is better at defence and power hitting than Tojo.