


I feel as though my reading preferences are lowering each time I read something that is...not so good. Damn...I'm tired.

2019-06-24 JoinedUnited States



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My Road To Power

My name is Ash Kuare age 19, and I always wanted to become a hero but not just a hero the strongest hero that ever lived, well… until I have seen a hero up close while being saved…now let me tell you why I was being saved in the first place. I was 13 around the time and my father had interrupted my secret training and after some small talk he told me to go downstairs and I did, but I was a little hungry, so I went to the kitchen to make something small like toast, but I don't really remember what I made exactly, but that's besides the point now. So continuing on I forgot about my toast in the toaster, and it caught fire which quickly spread because I lived in a wooden house and fast-forward heroes and firefighters came. My parents and I were hiding in our panic room, which we had for this specific situation I'm guessing. And somehow smoke was seeping inside the panic room, and my mother contacted the heroes and one hero that came in, and I'll never forget their alias “Cold Ice”…what a stupid ass name, but anyway I was the first to be approached… He left my parents behind to die for a reason such as “We're only taking the kid the adults don't matter since saving kids gets more attention these days we could get more attention on the internet then the Hero Association will give us more money for this rescue job so when we step out of this house just shake your head in regret if the reporters ask about the parents HAHA alright lets head out!”. I don't know why he thought I couldn't hear him, or maybe he thought I would forget about it, but since then, I never looked at heroes the same. but to "confront" Cold Ice I would first have to enter the Heroic Academy then make my way into the Hero Association. Tags- Ruthless mc, Transformations, Loner mc, Untrusting mc, God complex, Wicked mc, battle junkie, hidden identity

LazyG0d · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Wicked God

My name is Void…that's it. I was named inside a orphanage, but that's not the reason I was named “Void” I was named Void because when I was a child they said my eyes were always empty like a void, and they didn't know what else to name me, so they stuck with it. But enough about my name, let's get into how I was transmigrated to another world. One day, I was in my apartment thinking to myself until I received a phone call. The person who called me was a coworker informing me of the news that everyone in town knew except me, of course. She said that a bright red light would shine from an empty alleyway, then disappear after 10 seconds. She also mentioned people have went missing and being spotted with their limps cut off in the same alleyways the red lights would appear. Now at the time I didn't believe a word she said, but I went along with it. It was probably some kids shining lights while bullying other kids, or just some type of stupid rumor created by some drunk idiot and a drug addict. Since I was around 16 years old, I always thought that I was missing something or that I didn't belong. It was the same feeling people get when you forget something, the second you think about it and try to remember. But this feeling soon disappeared when I encountered the bright red light, which I found out was a portal spawning in an alleyway. After entering the portal I felt as if I was finally getting what I was missing, and I was finally free as if I was a God stuck inside a human's body caged like a wild animal, but finally let out of the torturing cage. “That's right…on the day I made contact with the red portal, I became a God in the making but nonetheless still a God. KEKEKEKEKE…. I'm a God…a God made to destroy… The Voided God…”. Tags- Monsters, Gore, Selfish mc,

LazyG0d · Fantasy
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