I dont know me well enough to give an accurate description. But I've been called an asshole(mainly by my close friends) and a graduating senior views me as "Sincerely Twisted". Xaos (pronounced K_Os).
of reading
Read books
ooohhh ... necromancy you say?
I'm agree with the opinion that her dying so soon would be a waste and she could have some dues ex machina to pull through or even some last words. but maybe that's for the best. he never got to really know her her just what she would do or act. with her now gone he has to learn and know her from every and anything she left behind. with Sirius he wanted to connect but never got to on account of the wanting to kill him. so after he's death he moved on. but Lily meant so much in how he saw himself and so little in what she shared with him aside hope of a bond, betrayal and how alike they were. hopefully she left something like a journal where she was an unreliable narrator so Harry can see the flawed woman he called his mother and get to accept the grief or lack of it while learning from her even tho She's gone
all this talk of taking over the world and you clearly have a set up for a him to release Take over the World by Your Favorite Martian( side bar the urge to release Santa Hates poor kids would be in direct opposition to his fear of Krampus). and finally if we're going off just his previous haggard look then Ode to Sleep ought to at the very least show That M&M was right that he could rap. after all this time he needs an I told you so against Dr .Dre that won't be brushed off on a technicality
there's you review. now...WHERE.ARE.THE.LEMOOONS!!
aye, nevermind then
and i appreciate your service...tho it begs the question. how many of them have you been around to have developed your own personal/professional opinion
not sure if that makes it a deal breaker or something to just get used to...