I'm cool and human
of reading
Read books
hoping to read more and also hope that they get together faster.
can somepony tell me what mistakes he made? I'm dumb, care to elaborate? is it the FBI? I searched and it sounds just about right.😅tell me what I'm doing wrong.lol🥴🥴🥴
like NOoooooo! my girl this is different, he clearly tortured you! you better not be a masochist! TORTURE! don't pass it off as a misunderstanding, the torture is real and nothing! not even a misunderstanding can save him. pitch fork! burn him in a stake!
more chapters please. more chapters please.🥺
lol .why do I feel like they're the ones being duped? I mean they look kinda weak,or is it just the mind thingy. yes yes. they are still basically learning. but what if they are the ones following a false god?
hey I need this book up and running. yalah habibti. choose and multiply😅
MORE CHAPTERS! I'm genuinely interested in this book.
if you want to start anew, then you should have followed your grandpa abroad. nothing sounds better than starting fresh or moving on than going some other place . being far away from them sounds so much better for me.
wow. all this time taehee was this guy? but I can't explain how they were making out in the last life? is this an alternate universe?