

2019-06-13 JoinedGlobal

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  • Chronster
    Chronster9 months ago

    Wanted to put this out to offset LastGod’s review, which I find slightly dumb and unfair for insulting kamen riders itself rather than actually reviewing the story itself. (P.S: If you were to dislike the kamen riders themselves whether it’s the suit design or the technology, then don’t put reviews that doesn’t concern with the writing themselves.) With that out of the way, I like how’s the story is shaping up to be. I hope to see how the Author’s gonna shape up the story with ‘certain’ kamen rider forms for inevitable higher threats.

  • Chronster
    Chronster9 months ago
    Replied to tatsumagi_shiten

    Oh, don’t worry. I knew what you mean. I wasn’t just referring to fighting. I used fighting more to illustrate my point in general. You are right about the fighting part. As for the other parts, my point still stands that just knowing that he has them doesn’t mean that he can use them at a proficient level already, and he’s trying to not show his cards too much in case that some third party happens to see him do it. Though I suppose it is better if he’s shown trying to experiment, but I think the Author intends those kind of things to be ‘off-screen’ until relevant to the story. Kinda like how it’s mention that he had tried and practiced a bit with his Orphnoch abilities to transform into the wolf Orphnoch when meeting with the X-men. Probably so that we don’t spend a chapter just see the mc ‘just’ testing out the powers and not do much else. I can see the Author not wanting to halt the story too much just for some mini training arcs, and probably resort to just use throwaway lines to showcase mc having practice in-between chapters whenever it’s deemed necessary for the story. I don’t really mind if we don’t see much of the powers testing, nor that I mind seeing some experimentations being shown as it would be nice. So, I’m kinda in the middle of wanting to the story continuing to flow while at the same time also want to see how the mc is progressing with the riders’ powers.

  • Chronster
    Chronster9 months ago
    Replied to tatsumagi_shiten

    I could see a few plausible reasons. Just like how he doesn’t want to show all his cards by just using the strongest kamen rider forms, the Mc may be holding off from using such abilities if the problems could be solve anyway without using Gods powers. Second reason would be that the mc may need to figure out how to use them first. While It’s most likely that the mc already knows about the power, just knowing doesn’t mean that he can already use them already. Prob need some practice to master them. Third could be that while he already shown himself to be strong, it’s probably better to keep your cards to yourself. It’s one thing to be known as strong. It’s another to be known for using the powers of Gods. While I agree that he should use them at some point, none of the things that had happened are situations that I believe is necessary. I can’t see him using Ace’s God power for mundane things, but I can definitely see him using the Aurora curtain whenever no one is looking.

  • Chronster
    Chronster10 months ago
    Replied to Chronster

    Oh yeah before I forget, when I say that Ohma Zi-O injected the concept of kamen rider into Tsukuyomi, I meant he literally made her into her own kamen rider known as Kamen rider Tsukuyomi. And for the ridewatch thing? Because he is born to inherit the powers of all kamen riders, his power cannot be stolen, not even absorbed because the last time someone (Swartz) did that… Swartz explode (not die). And this is the same guy that, using 50% power of Decade, creates countless alternate worlds (universes) of the franchise series where the villains win just to usurp Ohma Zi-O as king. And literally the villains include a being that can eat planets for breakfast by sucking them up with black holes, a monster that can destroy planets, a being that is physically immortal, a literal video game boss… And Ohma Zi-O literally one-shot every single one of them. Literally the ones I mentioned are the FINAL BOSSES of their respective series in the franchise.

  • Chronster
    Chronster10 months ago
    Replied to Conor_Webster

    If I’m not wrong, Scarlet Witch has been able to create a whole alternate reality right? Ohma Zi-O’s younger self (who is simply known as Zi-O has is 18 years old) accidentally create a whole new timeline with its own kamen rider (who is named Kikai) by dreaming. Yes, his younger self, who didn’t even have the power of Ohma Zi-O and also 50 years younger, dreamed up a kamen rider in his sleep and boom, a whole separate timeline that is supposed to be impossible to exist because Ohma Zi-O’s initial rule prevented any future kamen riders from being born. For context, in the series kamen rider Zi-O, let’s say that a series in the franchise is its own universe (and one of them contains and infinite size multiverses known as the mirror world). according to this series, the concept of a kamen rider holds the basis for the existence of a world. Meaning, if a world doesn’t have the concept of a kamen rider, it will eventually breakdown and be destroyed. A character in the series named Tsukuyomi came from a world where the concept of kamen rider doesn’t exist, so despite her family being able to stop time on an universal scale, it’s on the verge of ceasing to exist. Her brother, who is named Swartz, stole the power of Kamen rider Decade with a ridewatch (FYI, a ridewatch in the series contains the literal timeline of a kamen rider, so it absorbs the power of a kamen rider by literally sucking away their history of ever being a kamen rider, leaving them as normal people. It doesn’t matter whether they’re Gods, cyborgs, aliens, monsters, or an immortal being from the beginning of time, they will turn into regular humans. To paint a picture, This is like I have a device that stole the history of Superman, leaving him as a normal human Clark Kent, and I have the powers, experiences, and skills of Superman.). Even though Swartz stole Decade’s powers and essentially became a kamen rider himself, since Kamen rider Decade doesn’t actually originate from his and Tsukuyomi’s world, it still doesn’t stop it from getting erased. It was only by Ohma Zi-O’s literally injecting the concept of kamen rider into Tsukuyomi, thus making the world have the concept of kamen rider, that manages to essentially save her world from being destroyed. Take that as you will. (There’s a lot more than that btw)

  • Chronster
    Chronster10 months ago
    Replied to Conor_Webster

    And here’s the kicker, we also have a kamen rider named Ohma Zi-O. He’s known as the Demon King of time (not literally a demon) and also the king of kamen riders because you know why? He literally has the power of every single kamen rider from the past AND the future, so when any future Kamen rider is born or made, he will get their powers. So the ones I mentioned? Yeah he has them too. And this guy is so hard to kill because he has like several different forms of immortalities that he himself has and also from other kamen riders. Trying to change his past won’t work because that has been attempted literally several times like someone changing the entire timeline and he just doesn’t care for it. The only times where he actually does affected by the past changing literally happen because he allows it to prove a point. And it was his younger self (the protagonist) destroying his own belt. And even when you do managed to erase him from existence? (A villain in a stage show did this by destroying a literal era of japan’s history) He came back anyway because the audience is too ‘annoying’ or loud. Want to take his power? You can’t. The belt isn’t even a thing that can be taken from because they’re more of a manifestation of his power. And what is his main power? To destroy space-time (timelines) to nothing, and to create space-time from nothing. He can do this very easily and casually. He has telekinesis, but it is done by manipulating causality (I’m not joking about this.) And the armor has a function that any attacks will not cause damage, or at the very least heavily reduced. The problem is that, through the armor, the damage will not stack, so he can’t die by a thousand cuts or something like that. And even when he does get damaged? He also has literal his own regeneration. (And all of these are not counting the powers of other kamen riders like Ex-aid’s hyper Muteki that I mentioned).

  • Chronster
    Chronster10 months ago
    Replied to Darth_Nihilus_6756

    Yup. Kuuga, the first heisei era kamen rider, actually has enough firepower to blow up the planet in his final form.

  • Chronster
    Chronster10 months ago
    Replied to Chronster

    Forgot to add that the mirror world(s) are accessed by the riders from Ryuki through any reflective surfaces, not only mirrors.

  • Chronster
    Chronster10 months ago
    Replied to Yokiri

    It is called the mirror world, but they do differ from mirror dimension. What you say about the mirror dimension is correct, I think. As for the mirror world, it’s meant to be a world that is ‘mirrored’ from the real world. From the novel, the mirror world has its own time and space disconnected from the real world. And, fun fact, there are countless mirror worlds. Side note: Worlds here actually means universes funnily enough. The novel gave an example where if you put two mirrors facing each other, they would make countless reflections, and the mirror world basically follow that logic. Hence, the mirror world is basically parallel universes that are mirrored to the real world and each other, but each iterations of mirror worlds will be slightly different from the preceding iteration. The novel actually explained that this is how the winner’s wish is granted in the series, by giving them a world/universe from the countless mirror worlds that basically fits with the winner’s desire and place them there. (Not so fun fact: This is also why the rider wars in Kamen Rider Ryuki can’t really end because there are essentially countless of them happening across different worlds through the mirror worlds.) Most of the in fact are from the novel if I’m not mistaken.

  • Chronster
    Chronstera year ago
    Replied to reseter18

    Well, the mirror world from kamen rider Ryuki works quite differently enough from the mirror Dimension that it’s reasonable enough that they’re different. Only the names are similar and they don’t work the same.