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  • Daoist856529
    Daoist8565294 years ago

    Jika Anda menambahkan saudara laki-lakinya atau transmigran lain, saya keluar, saya tinggalkan ini

  • Daoist856529
    Daoist8565294 years ago

    You are too evil an author, you should limit rapes more and put more character development in your mother, but in spite of everything I like your novel, you are not an ipocritical person who will be the hero and that nonsense the world is cruel and who would not do that . many people arian what you write about the mc only that they do not accept it I like you to be sincere with your thoughts but you would not want to be an enemy if I knew you haha ​​if you write another novel because of criticism if you write another do it as they want evil in quotes and hero since everyone likes to be a hypocrite to say that they are saints so as not to look bad, guide yourself from other novels you will have more success but I will keep reading until you get lucky

  • Daoist856529
    Daoist8565294 years ago

    Autor cinceramente deberias de quitar eso de bajarle la edad alas mujeres y ponerles 6 eso es enfermo minimo 14 o 13 todavia se ve mal pero a esa edad ya tienen relaciones algunos y no pongas eso del perro eso es de verdad enfermo agradeceria que corrigieras eso o al menos que no lo pongas mas pero te recomendaria corregirlo muchos debieros abandonar cuando leyeron esa parte

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