

2019-06-08 JoinedGlobal

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  • Karsus_Karsus
    Replied to Tibbles

    The guy came all the way here to try and humiliate another doctor...

    Ch 82 Solution
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus

    I mean, yeah, it would be rude, but that ship has sailed already... Your group as already attacked his pet.

    Zhang Sheng shook his head and said, "Since the owner is not here, wouldn't it be rude for us to trespass his area like that?"
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus

    A better way to that would be to not invite the guy totally unrelated to the sect in their secret headquarter...

    Yu Qiuleng was originally intending to kill Fang Yuan to prevent him from leaking the sect's secrets.
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus

    He's not pestering her, she's pestering him. Now, why did he accept her invitation is completely beyond me. But the question of "Why?" has been pervasive throughout this novel and I get the feeling it's not gonna stop.

    At this moment, a tingle of hostility crept appeared on his face as he thought, "How dare he still pester Maiden Lin?!"
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus

    Really? "We shouldn't needlessly make an enemy out of him, so let's just go and attack him for no reason."

    The other person sighed, and both men in black looked at each other, both wanting to find out how powerful he was. "Why not… Let's test him out first?"
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus
    Replied to Libgar

    The guy has little talent, is completely destitute and is shameless enough that he would dare beg his twice benefactor for more favors. Fang Yuan could literally uplift any random beggar and that would be the same. He literally has nothing to gain from helping the guy.

    He had the ability to help Zhou Family recover, but he felt that it was not worth the effort.
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus
    Replied to americus_fallout_4

    Exactly, he isn't a thief, he's a mugger. That's not the same thing. He has standards!

    "If I accept rewards without doing deeds, I am no different from a thief!"
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus
    Replied to Cador

    Sure, you can deny them asking favor. Just say "no". Do as Fang Yuan's namesake in Reverend Insanity. Always accept the gifts, never return favors for free. If they want to ask a favor of you, make them pay!

    Whatever they wanted, they would get for themselves, or trade with others, but they never received offerings from others.
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus
    Replied to Libgar

    In WMW anything above 80% chance of success is a guaranteed success. MC never failed once out of the several dozen times it happened. Leiyue's problem isn't a low success rate, it's actually that she isn't a main character.

    "Didn't you say you had 70 to 80 percent chance of succeeding? Why did you fail?"
    Carefree Path of Dreams
    Eastern · The Plagiarist
  • Karsus_Karsus

    Nope, that's not info an expert would have. That's info that could only be obtained by a company leak at this point. This is evidence that he's either cheating or time travelling. I don't think anyone would assume the latter.

    Suddenly, another change occurred to Gentle Snow’s perception of Shi Feng. She felt Shi Feng was not as simple as he seemed to be. He was certainly an expert. Only an expert could have such a profound understanding of the Dungeon. However, Gentle Snow had no recollection of an expert Swordsman like Shi Feng.
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God
    Games · Lucky Old Cat
  • Karsus_Karsus

    I don't think it's that stupid. Sure he could ask for real money. But he's actually far more ambitious than that. 20 Silver coin is a huge amount at this point in the game even for Ouroborous who has millions of dollars. He cannot ask them for millions of real world dollars for info about a dungeon, but 20 silvers will help him secure his headstart and that's something he can eventually capitalize on for much more money. Since he already has his recipe and blacksmith job, he's not worried about the 16k credits anyhow.

    “Since you've already explained… My asking price isn't high. Twenty Silver Coins.” Shi Feng calmly stated.
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God
    Games · Lucky Old Cat
  • Karsus_Karsus

    He should have accepted. They want info about the dungeon, great business opportunity. He can sell it to them. He's just rude for the sake of being rude.

    “Not interested. I’m in a rush for time,” Shi Feng turned around and left immediately after responding. He did not care about Xiao Yue’er in front of him at all, and he cared even less about Gentle Snow’s invitation.
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God
    Games · Lucky Old Cat
  • Karsus_Karsus

    Death awaits you all – with nasty, big, pointy teeth! So sayeth Tim the Enchanter about the Rabbit of Caerbannog.

    Willie was a ferocious Night Rabbit. Its height was as tall as two people, and sharp steel claws decorated its paws. These claws loved creating a feast of fresh blood, and those caught by it would be ripped to shreds, turned into a river of blood. It was unknown how many players had died a gruesome death under these claws.
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God
    Games · Lucky Old Cat
  • Karsus_Karsus

    They're annoyed because there's someone not actively trying to harass a group of 3 women?

    Quite a few players started to express their discontentment. Two high-quality beauties had already shown up, yet instead of trying to get closer to them, Shi Feng was actually making noise here. What would you do if those beauties were scared off?
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God
    Games · Lucky Old Cat
  • Karsus_Karsus

    Wait, they mean that it is possible to physically assault women inside the game? I doubt when author said "assault" here he only meant PvP. What game would allow that to be possible?...

    There had once been a Guild Leader of a large Guild that had tried assaulting Zhao Yueru. As a result, the Guild that had over a hundred thousand players became no more; Zhao Yueru even hunted their Guild Leader. The incident only came to an end when that Guild Leader was killed back to Level 0. From then on, the title of Flame Witch had been cast on Zhao Yueru.
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God
    Games · Lucky Old Cat