You lost me at Harem….✌🏾
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Just to clarify . This is a rapid response situation not code blue . Code blue means child is dead, no heart beat, no breathing and you have to resuscitate patient. Rapid response means child is alive, in distress has you’ve said but is going down hill which might turn into a code blue if nothing is done
Father of the year
This book is the bomb, usually I spend on the extra privlege to read the rest of the chapters that are out but then feel like I wasted my money , but this novel is so good that I can’t wait for the other chapters
This book got everything I ever wanted in a transmigration novel. There nothing I love more than a girl who knows what she wants and takes it. I find waiting 500 chapters later for FL’s to accept the great family they got into stupid. I admit sometimes in the novel FL acts stupid in this novel which I find out of character from the boss b*tch they protray her to be, but other than that I love this novel.
Story is great but translation is so bad. Sometimes I’m ’ confused on what’s going on but choose to continue reading because the story is good.
I hope the knight kills him
The holy trinity 👅